See You Later (c.d.)

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This has smut im sorry man

I walk into school excited to see my boyfriend cooper ive had a crush on cooper since elementary school and we became friends for a bit and now me and him are together and i couldnt be happier

I see the familiar curls at the end of the hall i smile and walk towards the boy whos at his locker messing around "hey coop" i say and turns to me smiling slightly "hey" he says and i give him a quick kiss that he returns

"So i was thinking what if you come over tonight when my family goes to bed its friday" he says i smile at his neediness "fine ill go over tonight" i say playfully rolling my eyes he smiles slightly again and kisses me softly again before i lean away "okay i have to get to class ill see you at your place m'kay?" I say and he nods his head

I get all my classes done also having to deal with some assholes of course excited to see cooper i go home and get ready before heading to coopers house excited i open the door and sneak to coopers room knocking on the door before entering and cooper turns to look at me and i lock the door

His face lights up and he stands up and closes the door engulfing me into a sweet hug we pull back and cooper sits on his chair pulling me down onto one of his legs sitting down "hey coop" i say smiling and he smiles back "hey" he says

I look around coopers room not really looking any different since the last time i came here i scoot more onto coopers lap innocently and look around at the small details in his room still his arm wraps around my waist making me blush

I look down at cooper "you looked really good today coop" i say biting my lip slightly "mhm" cooper says lowly making me wanna lose my mind "with your hair and your jacket and just god you looked so hot yk that?" I say looking down at coopers lips that form into a slight smile before my hands reach for the back of his head pulling his lips to mine

His soft lips moving against mine making me lose my mind the kiss is sweet and passionate i stand up a bit after a minute and straddle cooper while he sits on the chair his hands grab my waist tightly making me squirm my fingers tangling through his curly stands of hair his scent engulfing me because of how close we are

My head leans down and i kiss coopers neck his skin against my lips as soft groans leave his mouth making my legs feel weak the grip he has on my waist tightening slightly as i kiss his neck sweetly my hips eventually start to move against him making him groan a little more as i still leave kisses on his neck while moving back and forth

My lips find his again only for a second as he kisses my neck making sweet moans leave my mouth that only cooper can accomplish i pull on his hair slightly as my legs feel like they are gonna collapse as he kisses my sweet spots while my hips are moving against him

I cant take it anymore i stand up and grab his hands making him stand up keeping his body close before i push him slightly so he falls onto his back on the bed i climb on top of him kissing him sweetly again while my ass is a little up coopers hands reach down my shoulders to my lower back to my hips and eventually to my ass moving from my hips and ass as he gives my ass a sweet squeeze making me smile slightly

My hand reaches for the bottom of his shirt slightly touching his skin before i back away a bit "im sorry i keep moving really fast and ive never done this im really sorry" i say running my hand along my face sitting up still on coopers lap while he lays down "hey i havent done it either okay? If you dont want to do this we dont have to you know" he says sweetly

I nod my head and lean down to him again "theres no other person i would rather do this with" i say smiling before kissing him again my hand goes under coopers shirt feeling the warm skin under before i start lifing it up sitting up to lift the shirt over coopers head

I smile at him my hands running down his chest and stomach i lean down giving sweet kisses to his chest slightly to his stomach making him hold his breath before he grabs my shirt pulling it over my head showing my bra he smiles and flips us over so hes on top and he kisses the uncovered part of my chest sweetly giving 1 or 3 kisses to my stomach making me bite my lip and grab a handful of his hair

His lips meet mine again and i bite his lip softly before our tongues glide together our breath heavy i fiddle with his belt before unbuttoning his pants pulling down his zipper pulling down his pants he kicks them off leaving them in the pile of clothes before his hands reach my jeans making me blush as his cold fingertips messes with my pants gliding against my waist every once in a while

He gets off my pants separating our lips as he takes my pants off throwing them to the side his hands slide up my thighs his cold rings making me bite my lip he reaches in his drawer getting out a rubber and i look at him confused "what you gotta always be prepared" he says making me smile as he kicks off his underwear putting the rubber on as i shyly pull my underwear off and bra leaving me naked

I shyly try to cover myself with my hands and arms only for cooper to move my hands "you're so pretty y/n" he says almost above a whisper making me blush as he kisses my collar bone before looking up at me "you sure" he says to me and i nod "yeah im sure" i say a slight smile on my lips

He slips inside of me and i gasp grabbing his shoulders tightly and he stops for a moment before moving slowly in and out of me and a shuddering breath comes out of my mouth as the pain slowly subsides and pleasure takes over

My nails dig into coopers shoulders "cooper" i breathe out as soft moans leave my mouth only for cooper to groan softly making me squirm coopers cold rings on my hips and his necklace dangling on my chest as he moves

I close my eyes a knot in my stomach forming as my mouth opens moans leaving it coopers soft groans making me more heated "cooper i think i might finish" i breathe out "me too" he breathes out making me squirm even more

Before i know it i dig my nails into coopers shoulders and release under him moaning out his name softly followed by cooper who moans my name a small string of cuss words following after i smile softly and grab coopers face with my hands bringing his lips to mine smiling into the kiss his soft lips against mine

He smiles into the kiss and i kiss him sweetly "thank you" i say almost above a whisper he looks at me a little confused "for what" he says a slight smile on his face "for making me feel loved" i say my fingers twirling through his hair "i love you y/n" he says i smile at him "i love you too cooper" i say and kiss him deeply before he gets off of me throwing away the rubber and comes back over to me

I put on coopers shirt it barley covering my ass and i pull on my undies as cooper puts on his pajama pants and i lay down and he lays next to me pulling me close to him my head on his shoulder his arm wrapped around me my hand resting on his chest

I breathe deeply inhaling his scent of cigarette and his natural scent his thumb rubs my hip and i close my eyes before falling asleep

My cooper...

Awe thats so cute bro i cant i love cooper so much right now but anyways i love you a lot bye bye *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now