Familiar Face (Russel hayes/sleepover)

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Ever since I was younger, I have always had a thing for this guy at my school Russell Hayes also known as SpongeBob, he's really sweet and funny but the problem is that all my friends find him annoying and practically hate him because he always tries to follow us or mess with us, but school has ended and I have to go to high school, all my friends are either moving or going to the other high school across town so I'm all alone

I try to skate down the street, trying to keep my balance, I've recently gotten into skating because Russell used to skate all the time, and now I'm most likely not going to see him again, so I like to think about or do things that remind me of him

I sigh, trying to keep my balance and get better at skating, I pull up to school a bit early my nerves through the roof, I'm so nervous for my first day, I mean I don't know anyone here, I find my way through to the front where there is a water fountain, I see someone sitting against the ledge and my head tilts slightly, why does their hair look so familiar? the clothes do as well..

I move a bit closer, wobbling slightly on my board trying to get a better look, thats when his face finally comes into view, my eyes widen when i realize it's Russell, I clear my throat and pretend I don't see him I see his skateboard and realize he never got to see me skating, I try to get his attention and ride my skateboard past him picking up pace slightly, I'm too focused on him that i don't realize the rock that's about to go under the wheel of my skateboard sending me forward

I hit the floor with a "hmph" sound, I suddenly hear footsteps rushing towards me "are you okay y/n?!" I hear that familiar voice once again, I look up and see Russell hovering over me with a worried look on his face, extremely embarrassed I nod softly, and he extends his hand out to me which I gladly take and he hoists me onto my feet

I wince slightly at my left wrist, trying to shake off the slight pain, he reaches into his bag and pulls out a small ice pack from I guess his lunch and gently places it against my wrist, I blush slightly at the touch and look up at him "when did you learn to skate?" I hear him ask and i shrug "during summer, obviously I'm not that good though" I say embarrassed and he chuckles softly "don't worry, I take some tumbles here and there and I've been skating way longer" he reassures and I giggle softly "so, have you seen anyone here you recognize yet?" I ask and he shakes his head "nope, just you, all my friends went to the school across town" I nod softly "yeah, mine too" I say softly "but at least there's someone here I recognize" I smile softly and he smiles as well "yeah, I was a bit worried I'd be alone" he admits and I nod "me too" I reassure

He looks down at me and I eventually break the gaze, too nervous to keep looking at him, even being this close, I clear my throat and look down at the ice pack on my wrist, his other hand gently keeping my hand still, I blush slightly at the contact, realizing this is practically the first time I've ever been this close to him or touched him "does your wrist still hurt?" he asks, his lisp slightly showing once more and I realize how much I missed it, I shake my head "no, I'm okay now, don't worry" I reassure

"I'm honestly surprised you're letting me help you" he says out loud, removing the ice pack from my wrist and putting it back in his bag, my head tilts and I look at him confused "what do you mean?" I ask softly "well, y'know you and your friend group practically hated me" he chuckles slightly and I shake my head "I never hated you, and they just thought you were a bit agitating, but I actually really liked being around you, they would always just drag me away" I admit, he looks at me a bit surprised "you never hated me?" he asks and I giggle softly

Shaking my head "of course not, I though you were really silly and funny, they just didn't realize how cute you are" the moment the word "cute" leaves my mouth I practically mentally beat myself up to death, regret and embarrassment fills me but he just blushes slightly "cute?" he asks and I quickly look away "i- yeah, I mean uhm, I don't- never mind" I just decide to shut up, not wanting to embarrass myself even more and he just smiles softly "thanks, I think youre cute too" he admits with a blush and butterflies erupt inside me "thank you.." I say softly and he nods

"well, now that you know I don't hate you, what if we uhm... went skating together sometime? You can teach me a bit..." I ask shyly and he looks a bit surprised before quickly nodding "yeah sure, whenever you want to hang out I'll be there" he says and i blush, smiling softly "uh, great, I'm glad, also I'm sorry for the way my friends acted towards you" I say softly and he shakes his head "don't worry, you were never the rude one, you know that and I can't blame you for your friends decisions" he reassures and I blush, smiling softly "thanks, that means a lot spongebob" he smiles and chuckles softly "I'm gonna be called spongebob for the rest of my life aren't I?" he asks and I giggle

"well, these people won't call you spongebob since they weren't at our school, so I guess that'll be my personal nickname for you" I smile and he chuckles again "that's fine with me, I'd prefer you only call me that either way" he says and i blush, we sit in silence for a moment "I'm actually really relieved that I got to see you again" I admit and he blushes "you are?" I nod "yeah, I didn't wanna be on bad terms, and I just never got the opportunity to know you or anything, I really regret that" I say softly and he blushes, nodding in understanding "yeah, me too, there's some things I wish I should've just told you when I had the right opportunity."

My head tilts "like what?" I ask softly and I see his eyes widen slightly "w-well uhm, you know, that one rumor that spread in the beginning of the school year?" he asks, and I try to remember "the one that you liked me?" I ask and he nods "well, it wasn't a rumor... I told my friend I liked you and he spread it around" he admits, and my eyes widen "it wasn't a rumor?" I ask shocked and he shakes his head "well...do you... y'know still like me?" I ask and he blushes deeply, I then see a slight nod, butterflies fill me, and I smile brightly.

"y'know, you could've just told me, I mean I've had a crush on you since I met you at that school" I admit and his eyes widen, his face turning red "r-really? you like me of all people?" he asks shocked and I nod "you're sweet, you're funny, and I feel like you're a lot more understanding then most guys" I say and he smiles slightly "well, thank you y/n.." he says softly and I smile "also, about those skating plans we made, can it be a uhm, date?" he asks shyly and I blush heavily before nodding "of course spongebob" I lean in and kiss his cheek gently.


This was a submission someone made on my tumblr, and of course I always post it on both platforms, if you wanna check out my tumblr its violetwitch12087 thank youuu also THANK U SM FOR 17.9K READS THATS WILLDDDD🙀

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