The Corner Store Boy (part 3)

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Im home my mom yelling at me "you know what your really starting to piss me off sometimes i wish i just didnt have you" my mom continues each word breaking my heart more and more

I leave before she could say more and walk to the station tears falling down my face the bell rings as i open the door and i wipe my cheeks as best i can jittering and shaking sobs still leaving my mouth as i try to control them

"Woah you okay" charles says to me behind the counter i nod my head sniffling "yeah im f-fine" i say looking down charles sighs and walks out from behind the counter walking infront of me wrapping his arms around me i hug him back tightly his comfort all i want right now

I grip his shirt my tears staining his shirt as soft sobs leave my mouth after a minute i back up a bit charles arms still around me me still close to him and i look down "i might take a break for a while uhm so you might not see me for a bit" i say my eyes meeting his eyes he nods "okay ill be here waiting for you" he says concerned and genuine i lean in giving him a sweet passionate kiss before walking out his warm body leaving mine

I havent gone to school for about a week charles is probably getting bullied again my mom doesnt care about me but i dont have enough energy to get up at all im lucky if i can get up to use the restroom i havent eaten for days i cant take it ive just sat in my bed blankets on me tired

I pick up my phone and dial charles number the phone rings for a bit before someone answers "hello?" I stay quiet admiring his voice i havent heard in a while "helloo?" I hear him say again i close my eyes before i end the call laying in the bed closing my eyes

I finally get up after almost a week and a half pulling myself together walking down the road to the truck stop the bell rings as i open the door "charles" i say turning to him causing him to look at me his eyes widen "y/n" he says and pulls me close to him before i know it his shaking body is holding mine as soft sobs leave his mouth "whats wrong charles" i say pulling him closer "i was all alone my dad died the kids at school broke my camera you left me i just couldnt take it" he says crying

I pull him tighter "i love you so much charles" i say kissing his jawline softly holding him close to me as sobs leave his mouth my hand moving up and down his back he takes a deep breath "i love you too y/n" he says holding me in his arms "im not leaving you ever again charles i dont think i ever can" i say softly

He lifts his head making me lift mine and he presses his lips to mine his salty tears touching my lips as i kiss him sweetly thinking about nothing but him i pull away close to him still looking into his eyes "how about i go to your house and stay the night ill be with you for as long as you want charles" i say softly "youd do that for me" he says and i wipe his tears with my thumb looking into his eyes "of course i would charles" i say a soft smile on my face

Making him have a small smile on his too "its almost time to close up so sit here and ill do some work then we can go" he says leading me to a chair behind the counter before he gets a rag wiping down the counter and everything occasionally looking up at me making me smile slightly making butterflies form in my stomach

After maybe 20 mins he finishes and walks over to me putting his hand over mine "all done lets go" he says i stand up and he turns off the light turning the sign to closed and we walk out and he locks the door

I grab his hand intertwining our fingers together and my other hand grabs his forearm keeping me close to him as we walk down the road together in each others comfortable presence

We finally make it to his house and he unlocks the door leading us to his room he changes into his cute pajamas while im turned around and he gives me one of his shirt and i change into it engulfed by his smell before i lay next to charles he pulls me close to him my head on his shoulder gripping into him the room dark "do you want to be mine" charles says looking down at me i smile and nod looking up at him "yes charles your the only man i really want" i say "i love you charles" i say again he smiles "i love you too y/n" he says and i lean in putting my lips against his soft ones

Holding him there for a second taking in the moment as his thumb rubs my hip and i lay my head back down and fall asleep in charles arms

Finally i have my store boy...

So each chapter was the entire movie tbh i just changed it a bit bc i didnt want her to be a hooker and stuff so it worked and yeah i love you guys its 2 am im not tired at all ive been asleep all damn day i love you a lot *mwah mwah mwah* im most likely gonna make more imagines of cooper later i love you bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now