Late Night Kisses

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i walk into my crushes house me and evan have been friends since we were kids and ive always had a thing for him but i didnt wanna ruin our relationship so i kept my mouth shut like always

i smile before calling out "evy!" i say and i hear running from close by in the house and evan appears from around the corner "Y/N!" he says and engulfs me into a hug and i smile more wide as he holds me tightly against his warm muscular body 

"hi" i say into his ear softly and i hear him reply "hey" he says as i play with his hair softly and we pull back "come on" he says grabbing my hand and we go to the living room and i see food and drinks and snacks and a lot of blankets on the couch and all the food on the coffee table 

i smile widely and squeeze his hand "you did all this for me?" i say looking up at him "i would do anything for you" he says and the air fills with tension before i pull away from his gaze and we sit on the couch 

i sit close to him as i eat some snacks and he puts his arm around me eating some popcorn from the bowl he has in his lap i drink some soda setting it down as we keep watching a romance movie we put on and snuggle up to evan laying my head on his shoulder and he holds me more tightly

i breathe in deeply eating some more food as his arm goes around my shoulders and his hand rests on my hip i grab his hand gently holding it and i see him smile lightly out of the corner of my eye and we keep watching the movie before its finally finished and i turn my head towards evan 

evan looks down at me and i smile "thank you evan" i say and he smiles back "its no problem" he says and i kiss his cheek softly before facing the trash on the table " we should probably clean up" i say and turn to evan again who is looking at the trash 

"yeah..." he says making a funny face i laugh and stand up grabbing his hand so he stands up too i grab some trash putting it into the trash and i put some stuff in the sink and after me and evan are finished wiping the table i yawn softly "you tired?" evan asks and i nod

evan grabs my hand pulling me to follow him grabbing my bag in his other hand and he leads me up to his room ever since ive known evan he always gives me his room after i said i liked sleeping in his room once because it smelt like him after that he bought me a bottle of his cologne and gave me his hoodie he gives me a new one every week

i smile as he opens the door his large hand around mine and he sets my bag down "here you can have my room and ill sleep in the guest room" he says as i look around his stuff looking the same but i love it 

i nod and smiles softly "okay tell me when your ready to go to sleep ill 'tuck you in'" evan says thats another thing he does youll see in a minute i nod and he leaves the room i go to his restroom brushing my teeth and hair before changing into some shorts and one of evans hoodies 

i sit in his bed and yell into the air "evyyy" i almost sing it as a joke and he walks in smiling causing me to smile and he comes over to me "hey" he says " hi" i say as i admire him and he grabs the pillow behind my head playing it flat doing the same to the other one

he tucks the blanket under my legs and around my body and i smile as he grabs my hair putting it to the side of me and he leans down kissing my head softly "i love you see you in the morning" he says and i hum softly "i love you too ill see you in the morning" i say and he smiles before walking out turning off the lights as he does and i close my eyes falling asleep evans room smelling like him


i wake up to the bedroom door opening and i squint my eyes looking at the small clock evan has 3 am it reads i look up and see evans silhouette in the door way "evan?" i say "hey uhm can i sleep with you tonight? i really couldnt sleep" i hear him whisper lightly i nod my head "yeah come here" i say and lift up the blanket to the other side that im not on and he crawls into bed next to me 

i wrap my arms around him facing him and he does the same holding me close i inhale his sweet scent and lift up my hand to play with his hair a bit and he looks deeply into my eyes and i lean in slowly and he copies my moves 

our lips meet together softly and sweetly the kiss is sweet and loving as our lips move against each other lightly and we pull away slowly faces still together as i play with his hair again "i love you" i whisper softly "i love you too" he says and kisses me softly again

i lay my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his torso and he holds me tight and i close my eyes falling asleep in my non official boyfriends arms...


this is so adorable WHEN IS IT MY TURN anyways i love this way more than i should tbh but anyways i love you bye bye *mwah mwah mwah*

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now