Innocent (kit kit bo bit banananana fo fit fe fi mo mit kit)

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this also has mentions of attempted sewerside, sh, and the rest isnt that bad (its angst😋)

Kit groans as water is thrown at his naked body harshly he finally gets 'clothes' to put on and he gets sent to the common room an angry and confused look on his face i watch as he walks past everyone there seems like theres something different in him but i cant put my finger on it, i watch as he looks around the room unsure and confused, i watch his every move, wondering if i should try to talk to him or help him

He aimlessly wanders around the room he walks over to the record player and i notice hes about to turn the song off, i take one last hit of the cigarette bud in between my fingers before pressing the red hot bud into a tray the smoke burning out, i stand up and walk over to him, gently grabbing his arm, he turns to me quickly, looking confused at me

"come over here, you don't wanna turn that song off" i say, gesturing over to the couch i was sitting on, he hesitantly walks over to me, unsure if he should trust me, i sigh and sit on the couch, he sits down next to me "you're new here right?" I ask turning to him and he nods "yeah, i am" he says and i nod, "you don't seem to be out of it or anything, why'd they throw you in here?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me "its... a long story.." i nod, not wanting to pry

"well be careful, that song stays on for as long as me and you are here, they'll go crazy without it, trust me ive learned all the rules the hard way, and sister jude doesn't mess around about anything, you'll be lucky if you walk out her office with only 5 wounds, getting the cane is not enjoyable unless youre into that sorta thing, i dont judge" i say, trying to lighten the mood a bit as well and see if i should befriend him or if hes actually crazy like the rest of the people in here, a slight small smile appears on the corner of his mouth but quickly vanishes "ill make sure to keep that in mind" he says, starting to slightly want to continue talking to me

A small smile comes onto my face but it goes away as soon as it came "good, if you have any questions just ask me alright?" I assure and he gives a small nod slightly unsure if he should trust me "also, before i forget, im y/n" i introduce myself and he nods "kit" he adds and i nod testing his name out on my tongue "kit... is it short for something?" he nods "yeah, maybe ill tell you in the future what its short for" he says and i slightly snarl playfully "oh so you're a tease?" I add and i see the corner of his mouth lift again "maybe"

i sigh and lean back in my seat, playfully rolling my eyes "then lets see how this plays out kitty" i call him a silly nickname i made up on spot and his lip tilts slightly more up "you're right, lets see" he sits back in his chair, maybe this won't be as bad as i thought...


Kits been in the asylum for about a week or two and we've actually gotten closer which is surprising, i sit on the couch in the main room and kit walks over to sit next to me, just as kit is about to talk to me about something a big guy comes over and stands in front of us "arent you bloody face?" he snarls at kit and he quickly catches my attention, bloody face? "You dont know what you're talking about" kit snarls

"i heard you killed women yeah? and the last one was your wife, heard she was a colored woman, you couldn't handle the fact that people wouldnt accept you guys right? you hated the fact you were with a colored woman?" he tempts and kit quickly stands up and shoves the man, the man smirks and lifts his fist back before his fist collides with kits nose

I quickly rush over, grabbing the guy by the hair and attempting to pull him away making him wince and grab my wrist tightly, he twists my wrist and i wince out, quickly kicking him in the balls causing him to groan and bend over his legs pressed tightly together groans of pain escaping him, i turn to kit and quickly rush over to him attempting to clean the blood dripping from his nose when the doors open and sister jude comes walking in with some guards

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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