My crush (max cooperman)

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I knock on the door waiting for an answer before the handle jiggles and it opens revealing Max Cooperman

Now max cooperman has been my crush ever since ive moved here he introduced himself to me like he does with everyone and we mutually became friends but i accidentally developed more than just friend feelings for him but he doesnt need to know that right now

I smile at the boy "oh hey y/n" he says and opens the door more for me and i walk in we walk to his room "what ya doin here" he says looking at me and i look around before sitting on his bed looking at him "i was bored and you know me i dont really have anyone else to hang out with so i just came here" i say shrugging my shoulders

"Oh okay thats alright you're always welcome to come here y'know?" I nod my head a small smile on my face i stand up and walk around his room looking at all he has while he sits in his chair before i come across his workout bag and some gloves laying on top of the bag

I pick them up and put them on "ooo nice gloves" i say smirking turning to look at max "yeah" he says smiling at me i do a stance moving back and forth before giving max a punch "get up" i say smiling before giving him another soft punch "i said get up" i say max stands up "okay im up" i give him a round of punches "nice contact" i shrug my shoulders "been practicing" i say smiling "good stance too" he says looking me up and down

"Come on show me what you got" i say giving him a couples more punches moving back and forth still he smiles at me "no way" he says moving his hands "come on dont be a pussy max" i say giving another punch "oh yeah can you take it to the ground" he says and grabs my legs gently but quickly laying me on the ground

I laugh and max is on top of me and grabs both my hands pinning them above my head "see its about submission you wanna be able to make your opponent tap out" he says looking to my eyes "tap out?" I say making a face still smiling "you wanna make it so painful that they wanna give up" he says lowly

I get loose in his arms and quickly flip him over to im now straddling him and i grab his arms doing the same he did to me "i dont tap out" i say my hair off to the side smiling at the boy under me i lean down close to his lips him lifting his head to get closer "you wanna tap out" i say moving my head away everytime we got to close teasing him

He smiles and gets his hand loose and moves it down to my ass "do you want to tap out?" I say our noses touching he taps my ass 2 times tapping out i lean down finally letting my lips attach to his our kiss is passionate his sweet plump lips against mine making me want to keep them there forever

I grab his face with my hand lacing my fingers in his hair before i kiss his cheek going down to his neck moving his shirt a little bit and i give him a small mark not too noticeable but noticeable he could cover it up with his shirt and itll be our own little secret

I move back up his neck moving to a sweet spot earning a small groan from max i never knew how much his noises effected me his hand moves from my ass to my thighs moving up and down a small almost inaudible moan leaves my mouth and i kiss his lips again before smiling giving him another kiss making him smile before i sit up still straddling him my hands on his chest and he grabs my waist i smile and get up

He gets up and i smile looking at him "imma go ill see you tomorrow at school max" i say and move close to him giving him a sweet big last kiss grabbing his face with both of my hands before i pull away and give him a wink leaving his room and going home

I arrive at school and get some classes over with disappointed because max wasnt in any of them but then lunch came and boy am i excited to see him

I walk over to the table where they always are and max is sat down across from jake i make it over to the table "hey guys" i say and sit down next to max "hey y/n" jake says and max grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him i turn my head to look at him "hey y/n" he says looking at me and leans to give me a sweet kiss and we pull away max's arm still around my waist holding me to him

They talk about fighting and whatever else as i admire max i wish i could stay like this forever...

Okay so basically ive been trying to find a max cooperman book or imagine or anything but i cant find shit so i decided to make one on my own since no one else will and i love this imagine a lot i think i might make a smut of max or more parts to this idk ill figure it out but this was really cute and its 10 in the morning so idk how im functioning but yeah thats about it i love you so much *mwah mwah mwahhhhhh* bye bye my love

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