The New Freak (Jimmy Darling)

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I walk up to the tents walking around each tent before i come across a tall better looking tent and i enter "ms.elsa?" i call out "ah yes over here" i hear a woman say and i walk more in fidgeting "so you are y/n" she asks and i nod my head "and what makes you freak for the, freak show" she says and i lift up my hand and pull off my glove showing my deformed hand and i look at her eyes light up in amusement as she smiles rubbing her hands together

she stands up walking out of her tent for a second and i rush to put my glove back on before she walks in with a boy with a wifebeater on and a pair of old wore out green brownish jeans his brown hair a little fluffy and curly but taken care of and it lays on his forehead slightly his arms laying at his side before they bend at the elbow behind his back i look him up and down quickly and i take a mental picture before i turn to elsa nervously 

"you will be showing y/n around the freak show and her tent and make her feel welcome" elsa says and the boy nods before he turns to me "the names jimmy, jimmy darling" he says sending me a wink making me swoon as a slight blush goes to my face "y/n, y/n y/l/n" i say extending my hand and he hesitantly pulls his hand out showing me his hand and my eyes light up and i grab his hand shaking it up and down before looking him in the eyes before pulling my hand away and taking the glove off my left hand showing my deformed hand and i see him smile laughing to himself before he gestures i follow him

i follow close behind him like a lost puppy fidgeting like crazy now trying to contain myself as my breath starts to fuck up and we make it to a tent with more freaks now my new family jimmy turns around to me "this is where we cook and all that-" jimmy starts before he sees me fidgeting and he grabs my deformed hand going out of sight of everyone "hey you okay?" he asks with concerned eyes i nod lying to myself and even he can tell "come on whats wrong" he says grabbing my arms comfortingly as he steps closer "i dont know i just get really anxious sometimes and i dont know i think i just need a minute" i say grabbing my shirt slightly trying to get some air in my lungs

"hey its okay alright i was the same way i know its a lot of new people but trust me they arent bad at all you just gotta get to know them ya'know?" he asks and i nod before he pulls me into a hug and i grip the back of his shirt where my hands rest his scent filling my nose as i take a deep breath and he backs up after holding me for a minute

"come on" he says grabbing my 'ugly' hand i so call it and we walk back to where we were his hand holding mine in a comforting way he occasionally squeezes it when he sees me getting fidgety making me stop and smile to myself that he cares about someone this much that he met like an hour 

after the tour he takes me to my tent and i set my bag down on the bed and turn to jimmy "heres your tent i know it isnt a lot but-" he starts "no no its perfect" i say smiling and he smiles back "well my doors always open wheneva, even if you just wanna talk or sleep in there i do not care at all" he says and i blush again "thank you jimmy" i say walking up to him kissing his cheek before backing away again "no problem doll ill see you later" her says sending me a wink and walks away leaving me with butterflies in my stomach a blush on my cheeks and my thoughts and i sit down on my bed

please dont tell me i just fell for the damn 'love at first sight' shit...

Im goin back to just the imagines again hopefully and this is so cute man i might make a part 2 tbh idk if i should its up to yall yk but its late im going to bed love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

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