Jimmy's darling (smut)

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I walk into the freak show with my parents they find freak shows amusing while i find them just fucking disgusting why the hell would someone kind it cool to call someone who has something different a freak thats just bullshit

I walk into the 'freak show' with a disgusted face we find seats and my parents smile at each other and i roll my eyes and the show starts and a blond woman in a blue suit walks onto the stage and sings beautifully and they start bringing out all the 'freaks' who help move stuff for her singing

I turn to my mom "imma use the restroom" i say with a weird look on my face i walk out of the giant tent and sigh "you good doll?" A boy with brunette hair and a hat on with a beautiful body says to me "yeah...i just dont understand why everyone thinks that those people are 'freaks' jut because they are different doesnt mean they are anymore different than us y'know?"

He nods "i know idk why they treat us like this" he says "wait your one of the 'freaks'" i say emphasizing the 'freaks' part he nods i walk over to him "hey its okay its not your fault y'know they need to learn to accept you guys i say grabbing his hand that had gloves on them

"Come here" i say wrapping my arms around his neck and he wraps his strong arms around my waist with one hand moving up and down my back "your okay its okay" i say moving my head to kiss behind his ear and his neck a couple times

He lifts his head up to kiss my lips softly i kiss him back passionately our lips moving together he kisses down to my jawline to my neck leaving sweet kisses on my sweetspots and i lean my head to the side to give him more space as sighs and soft light moans leave my mouth as i close my eyes grabbing his hair gently

He grabs my hand and lets go of my neck and takes me to a trailer that says 'lobster boy' i feel a little sad but im not focused on that right now im focused on the handsome man infront of me

He locks the door and grabs my hips pulling them towards his making a groan leave his mouth as a feel a big bulge on my hip i smash my lips against his the kiss filled with lust he pushes me onto the bed laying on top of me he grabs both of my hands and pins them to the bed

I bend my legs up so hes in between them and i turn him over so im flipped on top i take his shirt off and leave kisses down his chest down to his jeans button on my knees and i look up at him and he nods with pleading eyes i unbuckle his belt and pull down his zipper pulling down his pants and boxers

His cock goes up and i put my hand over it and move my hand up and down he groans "fuck" he says i go down and lick his dick up to the tip before putting him in my mouth and going up and down bobbing my head

He groans louder this time taking a handful of hair into his fist which is a little hard since he still has the gloves on he pushes my head down further making me gag i move up and down licking the tip each time i go up before he leans his head back eyes closed in pure pleasure as he bites his lip and warm liquid shoots down my throat he groans louder "oh SHIT" he says and i swallow every drop of the sweet liquid

He leans down and kisses me sweetly before grabbing my neck lightly lifting me up and he pulls my shirt off and my pants before ripping off my panties and he lays me on the bed and lays inbetween my legs kissing my thighs making me squirm at how much he was teasing me "please" i say gripping the bed sheet below me he finally licks me and i gasp loudly

"Oh fuck" i say as he sucks on me making me moan and arch my back towards him i grab his head by his hair and push him down into me "shit keep going" i say as i feel a familiar feeling in my stomach building up he looks up at me and i lose it

My orgasm takes over me and i grip the sheet under me till my knuckles turn white and i grip the boys hair who is  below me he smiles and crawls back up to me me and him are both completely naked and i kiss him this time with passion and sweetness and he looks at me "you wanna go for one more" he says sweetly i grab some hair and put it behind his ear "yeah" i smile and nod he smiles and kisses me softly "wait take these off" i say grabbing at his gloves

"Wait-" i take off his gloves and see his disfigured hands and he looks away ashamed "hey hey hey its okay your a really nice guy and you already told me your one of the 'freaks' i wouldnt be here right now under you if i didnt like that you were a freak,i think their beautiful" he smiles and i kiss him sweetly and we focus back on what we were doing

He lines himself up at my entrance and looks at me and i nod and he pushes himself in and i gasp more pleasure than pain runs through me he takes a second for me to adjust and he slowly moves in and out i grab the sheet under me and i move my hands to his back as i scratch his back with my nails causing him to groan more than he already is "shit oh fuck" i say as he fucks me senseless

I arch my back and moan as me moves in and out of me his moans and groans making me even more heated i feel that same feeling in my stomach as he hits the right spot with each thrust "oh shit i think imma- OH SHIT" i say as my high takes over me and his thrusts become sloppy and more tired as he comes and grunts and pants "fuck" he says and lays over me for a minute

He pulls out of me and he helps me clean up with a towel he has and he lays down and pulls me closer to him and i lay my head on his chest and put a hand on his chest my thumb slowly rubbing his skin softly he leans his head down and kisses me on the head and i lift my head and he kisses me softly

"My names jimmy, jimmy darling and you might as well be my new darling" i smile "my names y/n, y/n y/l/n jimmy and i really like you" i say looking into his eyes "i like you too" he kisses me softly one last time before wrapping his arms around me and i fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat...

hey guyss soo i hope you like this one ive never really wrote something like this before soo yeah tell me what i could improve on or anything and i love you guys sm *mwah mwah mwah* good nighttt

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