Teenage Comfort (e.p)

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After a very very very long day of having the best day and break with evan i forgot about school honestly but now its the night before school starts again and i cant take it school has such a negative impact on me its kinda concerning

I sigh and sit on my bed next to evan before i feel tears sting my eyes and i try and hold back the tears before they fall out as i silently cry next to evan he looks over at me and doesnt a double take looking at me again now evan is staying the night with me because me and evan have been friends for years and our parents dont know we are together so our parents dont really care we usually go to school together anyways

"Whats wrong baby" evan says grabbing my face in his hands "nothing its fine im fine evan" i say and he looks into my eyes deeper "tell me whats bothering you babe" he says and i sniffle as he wipes tears off my cheeks with his thumbs "i dont want to go to school i really cant evan school makes me so drained and your the only thing that makes me happy i just wanna stay home with you and only you the teachers are dicks who yell at me for no reason i just i cant evan" i say breaking down

Tears flowing out of my eyes and evan engulfs his body around me pulling me into a warm sweet tight hug that makes me feel safe "ill be there you wont be alone i wont leave you alone ill be by your side all day everyday m'kay my love?" Evan says and i nod my head sniffling he lays me on the bed putting the blanket over me before he gets into the bed next to me pulling me close as possible to him i grip his shirt in my fist my head on his shoulder

I fall asleep in his arms dreading tomorrow...

The next morning i wake up to my alarm and i shut it off rubbing my eyes and i feel arms wrapped around me i turn and see a wakening evan i smile "good morning handsome" i say "good morning beautiful" he says smiling back we get ready and head to school school was rough but it was nice having evan with me the whole day so i wasnt freaking out and i was glad to finally be back home

I change into comfortable clothes and go to evan sitting on his lap straddling him "i dont wanna go tomorrow" i say wrapping my arms around his neck he holds me tight against him "ill be there the whole day again babe" he says and i sigh and we go back into my bed and he holds me tight

"I love you y/n" he says and i smile "i love you too evan" i say kissing his soft lips before laying my head down ready to go to sleep dreading the next day as always

When evans there everything isnt that bad...

Awe evannn i love this tbh cs this is how im feeling going back to school i hate school sm but its fine ig anyways goodbye my love ik this is short but im trynna make imagines again not whole stories that are 3000 words long lmao i love you so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now