Episode 5: Pewter City Gym Leader, Brock!

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Ashton and Justin walked through the entrance to Pewter City and looked around. " Wow, even Pallet Town doesn't look this pretty at night," Ashton said in astonishment. All the lights of the buildings were glowing, making the night sky a little bright. "I've heard Celadon City looks so bright at night, it's hard to tell when it's day or night," Justin said.

They walked around for a bit until they saw a hotel. "Finally! A hotel!" Ashton exclaimed. He and Justin walked inside and walked to the registration lady. "We'd like to book one room for the night," Justin said. The woman nodded and handed them a key. "Thank you," Justin said. Ashton and Justin walked up a flight of stairs and walked to the room with the number that was on the key. They walked inside and dropped their bags on the chairs. "I'm so excited for tomorrow! I can't wait to challenge the gym leader!" Ashton said. He was so excited, he thought he would explode.

"Hey Ash, I've done research on the gym leader. His name is Brock and he's a rock type trainer which means water and grass should be good against him," Justin said. "Thanks for the tip, Justin. Anyway, I'm gonna go to the store real quick to get some supplies and maybe some new clothes for me since I lost my jacket. See you later," Ashton said as he grabbed his bag and walked out the door.

The next morning, Justin woke up and started getting ready. He shook Ashton awake, who was slumpt out on the couch. "Cmon Ash, we've got to get ready," Justin said. Ashton got up and started getting ready. "You weren't kidding last night when you said you were getting new clothes," Justin said.

 "You weren't kidding last night when you said you were getting new clothes," Justin said

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(Ash's clothes from journeys, but take away the hat)

"Yeah, I wanted to look like a really good trainer . Anyway, are you ready cus I'm ready to take down this Brock guy!" Ashton exclaimed. Justin nodded and they both grabbed their bags and walked out the room. They gave their key to the registration lady and walked out the hotel. They walked around for a bit, looking for the gym. "It should be a building with a brown roof," Justin said. They walked around a bit longer until they saw it. "Let's go!" Ashton exclaimed as he ran to the door and walked inside.

"Hello? Is Brock here?" Ashton asked out loud. He saw a huge rock and saw a man standing on it. The man had short, spiky brown hair and his eyes were closed.

 The man had short, spiky brown hair and his eyes were closed

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