Episode 106: The Battle that Decides the Champion! Toru vs Ashton!

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Ashton and Toru didn't say a word as they made their way to the Battle Area. They felt many things at once. Nervousness. Determination. A desire to win. A desire to come out on top. A desire to become the champion. They got to the Battle Area and faced each other from opposite sides of the battlefield.

Nicole and Rosie looked at their sons with a sense of proudness. They looked at each other and smiled. "Our sons have grown so much," Nicole said. "Yep. They went from the two boys who always used to play outside and cause us trouble, to becoming such strong trainers," Rosie said.

The Announcer walked to the battle area and turned on his microphone. "Welcome, everyone, to the final match of the Johto League! Both trainers have worked hard and won many battles to make their way here! These two battled in the Kanto League Tournament and showed an incredible display of sportsmanship! Please welcome Ashton and Toru!" The Announcer announced, making the entire crowd cheer.

"Toru! Ash! Good luck!" King called out. "Show everyone your strength!" Okotsu shouted. Justin smiled at his two younger friends. Professor Stewart stared at the two with pride in his eyes. The two boys who adventures he'd helped them on were about to show everyone their full power. He grinned and prepared to watch one of the greatest battles he'd ever witness.

Ronnie walked into the seats and sat next to Mike. "You made it just in time. The kid is about to battle in the final round," Mike said. Ronnie sat down and stared at the two. "Let's see who wins this," Ronnie said.

"Now then, both trainers send out your Pokemon and let the final match begin!" The Announcer exclaimed. Ashton and Toru grabbed a PokeBall and threw it forward. "I'm not losing easily Ash!" Toru shouted. "Neither am I!" Ashton shouted back. Ashton sent out Typhlosion and Toru sent out Nidoking.

"Nidoking, use Mega Punch!" Toru shouted. Nidoking covered it's fist in an orange aura and rushed at Typhlosion. Nidoking punched Typhlosion in the stomach made it stumble backwards. "Typhlosion, use Fire Blast!" Ashton shouted. Typhlosion opened it's mouth and shot a huge beam of fire at Nidoking. "Now use Flame Punch!" Ashton shouted.

Typhlosion covered its fist in fire and threw a punch at Nidoking's face. "Nidoking, use Earthquake!" Toru shouted. Nidoking lifted it's arm and punch the ground, shaking the entire arena. Nidoking rushed at Typhlosion, who couldn't keep it's balance, and punched it in the stomach. "Typhlosion, use Inferno!" Ashton shouted.

Typhlosion opened it's mouth and released a huge beam of fire at Nidoking, burning it. "now use Mega Punch!" Ashton shouted. Typhlosion covered it's fist in an orange aura and rushed at Nidoking. Typhlosion threw a really hard punch at Nidoking's face, making it fall to the ground. Typhlosion lifted Nidoking above it's head and slammed onto the ground. Nidoking fainted.

"You got a great start, but I won't lose," Toru said determinedly. He called Nidoking back to it's Pokeball and grabbed his next one. He threw it forward and sent out Raichu. "Raichu, use Electro Ball!" Toru shouted. Raichu made a ball of electricity on it's tail and swung it at Typhlosion. The Electro Ball hit Typhlosion, shocking it. "Now use Volt Tackle!" Toru shouted.  Raichu covered it's body in electricity and rushed at Typhlosion. It slammed it's head into Typhlosion's stomach, making it roll backwards and faint.

Ashton called it back to its PokeBall and grabbed an Ultra Ball and threw it forward. He sent out Entei.

"A legendary Pokemon! I didn't think you'd make it easy!" Toru grinned. "Nope!" Ashton said. "Raichu, use Thunderbolt!" Toru shouted. Raichu covered itself in electricity and shot a bolt of electricity at Entei. "Entei, dodge and use Fire Blast!" Ashton shouted. Entei jumped out of the way of the attack and jumped into the air. It opened it's mouth and fired a huge blast of fire at Raichu. Raichu was hit by the attack and was sent rolling backwards. It used it's tail to stop itself.

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