Episode 84

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Our heros had been walking down the road to Blackthorn City for ten minutes and according to the map, they were twenty minutes away from the city. They were all eating food that they had bought from Mahogany Town. Along the way, they saw a sight they weren't expecting. It was a Wooper, but it wasn't it's normal Blue color. It was instead pink.

"Woah! A pink Wooper! That thing must be rare!" Ashton exclaimed

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"Woah! A pink Wooper! That thing must be rare!" Ashton exclaimed. "It's a Shiny Pokemon, so obviously it's rare," Okotsu said. Ashton looked at him with confusion. "Hold on, Shiny Pokemon? What's that?" Ashton asked. "What?! You don't know what a Shiny Pokemon is, even though you own one?!" Okotsu asked. Ashton was even more confused. "Wait, I have a Shiny?" Ashton asked. Wooper heard the two and just stared at them with confusion.

"Yes! It's your Charizard!" Okotsu said. "Oh yeah! Is that why even it's Pokeball turned gold when I caught it?" Ashton asked. "No, Shiny Pokemon don't normally cause their PokeBalls to change color. Your Charizard must be special," Okotsu said. "Hey guys, the Wooper is staring at us," Justin said, pointing at it.

"Well, it's not everyday you run into a Shiny Pokemon. I'm gonna catch it!" Okotsu said, pulling out a PokeBall. He was about to throw it, when he heard a voice yelling at him to stop. A boy with blue hair came running out of nowhere. "You can't catch this Pokemon because it already has a trainer! Me!" The boy said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the Wooper was a wild one. Honest!" Okotsu said, putting away the PokeBall. "We really didn't know. Anyway, My name's Ashton. What's yours?" Ashton asked. "My name is Christopher and I'm a Shiny Hunter!" Christopher said proudly.

"A Shiny Hunter? Does that mean you hunt Shiny Pokemon?" Justin asked. "Correct! I've been all over Johto looking for Shiny Pokemon I haven't seen. So far, I've seen five Shiny Pokemon," Christopher said. "Wow! That's impressive! I've only seen one Shiny Pokemon since I started my journey!" Ashton exclaimed. "Oh really? What Pokemon was it?" Christopher asked.

"Here, I'll show you," Ashton said, pulling out the golden PokeBall. He tossed it forward and Charizard came out and roared. "Amazing! Not only did you find and catch a Shiny Pokemon, you managed to make it fully evolve!" Christopher exclaimed in amazement.

"Yep! Charizard is also extremely powerful!" Ashton said, praising the Fire Type Pokemon. Charizard growled happily at this. "Hang on a minute," Christopher said quietly while observing Charizard. "Uh, is something wrong with Charizard?" Ashton asked. "Your Charizard. It's not a Shiny," Christopher said, shocking the trainers.

"What do you mean? Charizard isn't it's normal color, so it must be a Shiny," Justin said. Charizard was just asked confused as it's trainer. Suddenly, for a short second, a memory of a man injecting a needle into it's body flashed in it's head, causing a huge pain to appear in Charizard's head. It began to roar and grip it's head in pain. "Charizard! What's wrong?" Ashton asked with worry in his voice.

Charizard continued to roar in pain and Christopher grabbed a spray bottle full of a blue liquid and sprayed it at Charizard's face, causing it to stop roaring and fall to the ground. "Hey! What did you spray it with?!" Ashton asked. "Just a sleeping spray. Charizard should calm down once it wakes up," Christopher said. Ashton and Blastoise looked at Charizard with worry in their eyes. "Charizard has never freaked out like this. I wonder whats wrong with it," Ashton said. "Blastoise," Blastoise also said.

"Grab Charizard and follow me. I'll take you guys to my house. I have medical equipment that I can use to see what's wrong with it," Christopher said. The three trainers nodded and they all grabbed Charizard and, after a little struggle to pick it up, lifted it off the ground. Christopher took them to his house while the three trainers and Blastoise carried Charizard.

Eventually, they reached his house and took it inside. They laid him on the couch and Christopher grabbed a Syringe. Christopher stuck the sleeping Charizard with the needle and got some of its blood. Christopher put the blood into a machine and began to scan it. A couple seconds later, Christopher got the results and the results shocked him. "(What the? What has this thing been through?)" Christopher thought.

He peaked a glance at Ashton. "(I don't think he would do this. He seems to really care for his Pokemon.)" Christopher thought. He turned around and faced the trainers. "Your Charizard... It seems like before you caught it, someone injected it with lots of chemicals. That's why it's golden," Christopher said. All the trainers were shocked. " Who would do this?" Ashton asked quietly.

He thought for a bit and then one person came into his head. Ashton didn't fear a lot of things, but there was one name that, no matter if it's said or if it pops in his head, always scared him. Diabla Shiro. "(There's no way! Charizard couldn't have gone through that! It's simply just a miscoloration or a genetic problem! There's no way that HE got to it!)" Ashton thought. He started breathing heavily and it was getting harder to stand. "Ash? Are you ok?" Okotsu asked, worried about his friend.

Ashton didn't hear him and continued to breathe heavily. His vision got shaky and eventually, he fell to the ground. "Ash! Are you ok?!" Justin asked, rushing to his side. He lifted Ashton up, who was still breathing hard. Christopher watched in shock. "(He must have some type of trauma with this type of stuff? What has he been through?)" Christopher thought.

"Blast!" Blastoise said, trying to calm it's trainer down. Ashton saw all his friends looking at him with worried looks and calmed down. He took a deep breath and stood up. "S-Sorry about that guys. It's just... Something popped up in my head. I'm sure it won't happen again," Ashton said, trying to reassure his friends. They weren't convinced, but decided not to ask anymore questions.

"Anyway Christopher, I'm not sure what might have happened to Charizard before I caught it as a Charmander, but the good thing is that it's no longer going through that. It's with me now and I swear I'll take good care of it," Ashton said. "I'm happy to hear that. Anyway, it's getting dark and Blackthorn City is twenty minutes away. You can make it just in time before nighttime," Christopher said.

"Alright! Let's get going then guys," Ashton said. The trainers nodded and Ashton called Charizard back to it's Pokeball. The trainers all walked out of the house and outside. "It was nice meeting you Christopher," Ashton said with a smile. "Of course! If you ever find a Shiny, let me know. I'll be happy to do some research on it," Christopher said. The trainers gave one more smile before turning and making their way down the road.

They walked for twenty minutes and made it to Blackthorn City. "Awesome! We made it!" Okotsu exclaimed. "Let's go find a place to sleep. We need our energy for the Gym tomorrow," Justin said. They all walked down the streets and found a hotel. They booked a room for the night and walked into the room. They all took turns taking a shower while Justin cooked food. Once they all had a shower, they ate their food and laid down. "Good night guys!" Ashton said. "Good night!" Justin and Okotsu said. Ashton closed his eyes. "(Man I can't wait to get my last Gym Badge!)" Ashton thought before falling asleep.

(This Episode had a little bit of Ashton Lore. I'm sure you can tell what happened to him as a kid.)

End of Episode

Next Episode: Ashton Vs Clair! The Dragon Type Specialist!

Word count: 1317 words

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