Episode 40: King Vs Leo!

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King walked to the Battle Area and saw his opponent. His opponent has pale skin and was slightly chubby. He had yellow hair and was the same height as King.

Ashton and his friends walked to the stands and sat in the front. "I'm so excited to see how much stronger he's become," Ashton said. "Agreed. Hes definitely come a long way since we met him," Justin said. "Yeah, plus with his abnormally strong Pikachu," Okotsu said. Ashton looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean? His Pikachu seems like it's the same as any other Pikachu," Ashton said.

"His Pikachu is really strong. It's attack are way more powerful than any Pikachu I've seen. It's electricity could probably rival your Zapdos' power," Okotsu said.

King and Leo stared at each other. "Nice to meet you! I'm King!" King greeted Leo. "My name's Leo. You must be pretty strong if you made it here," Leo said.

"You must be strong too. I'm kinda nervous considering I haven't seen your Pokemon battle once," King said. Both trainers grabbed a PokeBall and threw it forward. King sent out Hitmonlee and Leo sent out a giant orange rat.

 King sent out Hitmonlee and Leo sent out a giant orange rat

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"That's a Raticate, right Professor Stewart?" Ashton asked. Professor Stewart nodded. "Indeed. Thats the final evolution of a Rattata," Professor Stewart said.

"Hitmonlee, use High Kick!" King said, starting the battle. Hitmonlee ran at Raticate and jumped high into the air. It fell above Raticate and kicked it in the face, sending it tumbling back. Raticate got up and shook the dirt of it's face. "Raticate, use Quick Attack!" Leo said.

Raticate ran at Hitmonlee at full speed and slammed it's head into Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee flew back and landed it's on it's feet. "Hitmonlee, use
Blaze Kick!" King shouted. Hitmonlee started running in place, getting faster and faster every second. It's feet set on fire and it ran at Raticate. It kicked Raticate in the face, sending the Rat Pokemon flying back.

"Raticate, use Hyper Fang!" Leo said. Raticate ran at Hitmonlee and bit it's arm. Hitmonlee tried to kick Raticate off, but Raticate didn't let go. "Raticate, use Take Down!" Leo said. Raticate let go and slammed it's tail Into Hitmonlee, making it fall on it's back. Raticate jumped and tried to land on Hitmonlee, but Hitmonlee pushed itself up and did a flip. "Hitmonlee, use Double Kick!" King said.

Hitmonlee kicked Raticate in the face twice. "Raticate, use Super Fang!" Leo shouted. "Hitmonlee, use Counter!" King shouted at the same time. Raticate jumped at Hitmonlee and tried to bite it, but Hitmonlee jumped over it and slammed it's foot into Raticate's back, slamming it into the ground and making it faint.

Leo called Raticate back to it's Pokeball and pulled out his next one. He threw it forward and a Machoke came out.

"Machoke, use Mega Punch!" Leo yelled. Machoke winded it's fist back and it covered in a red aura. Machoke jumped at Hitmonlee and punched it in the face. Machoke kicked it, sending it flying back and crashing into the ground. Hitmonlee got up and glared at Machoke. "Hitmonlee, use Reversal!" King said. Hitmonlee ran at Machoke and kicked it really hard in the face. Machoke was about to fall back, but it grabbed Hitmonlee's leg and threw it over it's shoulder.

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