Episode 99: Ashton's Rivals Battle! Silver Vs Eric!

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Ashton and his friends all sat in the seats King reserved and waited for the match to start. "Hey Ash, About that Eric guy, he's kinda like your rival, yeah?" King asked. "I guess you could say that. He's not the nicest guy I know, but in a way, he pushes me to get stronger," Ashton said.

"Really? How so?" Toru asked. "Most of my life, Eric has always worked hard to be the best at everything he does. We used to be friends, but as we got older, he got angrier and angrier at the fact that I was somehow better that others at things without trying. An incident happened with another friend, which pushed Eric over the edge and now he doesn't like anyone. He said he'll try to get better than me one day and obviously I won't let him," Ashton said.

"I see. A kid who wants to be better than the other and another kid who won't let that happen. Quite an interesting Rivalry you've got there," King said. "Hey guys, the match is starting. There's Eric and Silver," Justin said.

Eric and Silver walked to the Battle Area with glares on each of their faces. They both faced each other, not saying a word. "What about Silver? What's his story?" King asked. "I don't know. We still haven't figured that one out," Ashton said.

The Announcer walked to the Battle Area. "Welcome Everyone to the second match of the Johto League! Battling today are two trainers from the Kanto and Johto Region! From the Kanto Region, we have Eric! From the Johto Region, we have Silver!" The judge announced. Most of the crowd began to clap.

"Now, both trainers send out your Pokemon and begin the match!" The Announcer said before walking away from the Battle Area. Both trainers grabbed a PokeBall and threw them forward. Silver sent out Haunter and Eric sent out a Pokemon that looked like a pink version of Eevee, but less fur and it had a gem on it's head.

 Silver sent out Haunter and Eric sent out a Pokemon that looked like a pink version of Eevee, but less fur and it had a gem on it's head

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"Ok Espeon, use Psyshock!" Eric yelled, starting the match. Espeon closed it's eyes and the gem on it's head began to glow. It fired off a beam of pink energy which flew at Haunter and damaged the Ghost Type. "Haunter, use Shadow Ball!" Silver said.

Haunter formed a ball of dark energy in its hand and threw it at Espeon. "Espeon, dodge!" Eric shouted. Espeon jumped into the air, dodging the Shadow Ball attack. "Haunter, use Pursuit!" Silver said. Haunter flew at Espeon, who was still in the air, and grabbed it. Haunter spun around really fast and threw Espeon into the ground. Espeon slammed into the ground and cried in pain. "Now Haunter, use Dark Pulse!" Silver said.

Haunter formed Dark Energy in its hands and fired a beam of it at Espeon. Espeon managed to roll out of the way, dodging the attack. "Espeon, use Power Gem!" Eric said. Espeon's gem began to glow and it fired a red beam of light at Haunter. The beam hit Haunter, damaging it and making it fall to the ground. Haunter fainted. "I already beat your first Pokemon. Do you wanna give up now and save yourself from humiliation?" Eric asked as he began to tease Silver.

"Shut up! I'm not even close to done!" Silver yelled as he called Haunter back to it's Pokeball and grabbed another one. "Go Sneasel!" Silver yelled as he threw his next PokeBall forward.

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