Episode 13: Battle Against Lieutenant Surge! Okotsu joins the team!

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After an hour of training his Pokémon and battling other Pokémon Trainers, Ashton decided he was done and made his way to the Vermillion City gym. He walked to the front door of the gym and opened it. "Hello?" He asked out loud.

He saw someone standing in the back and walked up to them. The person looked to be in his thirties and was wearing all camo. He had spiky yellow hair.

"Huh? Who are you?" Surge asked

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"Huh? Who are you?" Surge asked. "My names Ashton and I'm here for your badge!" Ashton said, pointing at him. Lieutenant Surge just laughed, much to Ashton's confusion. "What's so funny?" Ashton asked.

"You think a pipsqeak like yourself can beat me? Do you know who I am? I'm Lieutenant Surge! The Electric type master! Electric types save me during the war! They paralyzed my opponents Pokemon! Like I'll do yours in this battle!" Lieutenant Surge said, grabbing a Pokeball and throwing it forward. "Go Pikachu!"

Ashton smirked confidently and threw forward a Pokeball. "Go Sandshrew!" Ashton yelled. Sandshrew and sharpened it's claws. "(Wait what type is Sandshrew again? I've seen so many Pokémon I've forgotten most of their types! Ah whatever Pikachu should be enough to beat this pipsqueak)" Lieutenant Surge thought to himself. "Pikachu, use ThunderShock!" Lieutenant Surge yelled.

Pikachu covered it's body in lightning and shot a bolt at Sandshrew. The lightning bolt hit Sandshrew, but it had no effect against it. "(Now I remember! Sandshrew is a Ground type and Pikachu is weak to Ground types!)" Lieutenant Surge thought in a panic.

"Sandshrew, use Rollout!" Ashton yelled. Sandshrew curled into a ball and rolled at Pikachu, sending it into the air. "Now Scratch it!" Ashton yelled. Sandshrew jumped up beside Pikachu and scratched it. Pikachu fell to the ground and landed on its back and Sandshrew landed infront of Ashton. Pikachu got back up and prepared another Thundershock. It shot a bolt of lightning at Sandshrew again, but it still had no effect.

(This is bad. Pikachu can't do any damage to it since it's a Ground type!)" Lieutenant Surge thought. "Sandshrew, use Fury Swipes!" Ashton exclaimed.

Sandshrew dashed at Pikachu and scratched it over and over again. Eventually Pikachu fainted. "Pikachu, return," Lieutenant Surge said, calling Pikachu back to its Pokeball. He grabbed another and threw it forward. "Go Raichu!" He yelled. A bigger version of Pikachu who had orange fur and a longer tail came out.

 A bigger version of Pikachu who had orange fur and a longer tail came out

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