Chapter 178: Invastion, The depths of the curse

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Hearing Natsu say those words, and accepting her feelings made her heart flutter. She felt butterflies in her stomach, she felt the most happiness she's ever felt, she knew that all of her patience was all worth it. By Natsu accepting Witch's feelings, and returning those same feelings back not only allowed her to fully use her abilities to there upmost limit, but it let her know that Natsu feels the same way. Unknowingly tears began to run down her eyes, her eyes glittered and shined like the sun, and stars, she gave Natsu her most brightest and gorgeous smile and her hair looked simply amazing at that very moment. All she could think about is how happy she is at this very moment, all she can hear is how loud her heart is beating and all she thought about was the one wish her first master Ziggy wished for all of the four shinning stars. To one day find someone who will love them unconditionally and start a family with.

Witch: Thank you...Thank you Natsu for seeing me.

Wahl who had stopped walking because he felt an odd interference finally looked behind him to see what this odd feeling is all about

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Wahl who had stopped walking because he felt an odd interference finally looked behind him to see what this odd feeling is all about. He sees nothing at first, no movement, no sign of life, just Witch's body laying on the ground. He uses his scanner to scan for any source of life but nothing comes up. As he goes to take a step forward he freezes when he begins to feel the sudden power surge come from out of no where. He raises his head and an explosion of power sends powerful gust of wind, blowing everything away. This forces him to cover his face because of the all of the flying debris being blown everywhere. He lowers his arms a bit to see where this sudden power is coming from. When he takes a closer he notices that this power is coming from where Witch is. She slowly begins to get up as rocks around her are floating in the air. Wahl's eyes widen seeing this.

Wahl: That's impossible!

He says witnessing Witch resurrect. He looks at his right hand and sees that it's still smoking from the etherion blast. Suddenly the power surge stops. This makes Wahl look towards Witch. He sees her with her head down looking towards the ground, her clothes torn because of the battle and area where he hit her still very visible but it's all repaired. A bright green light starts to shine as it quickly engulfs the entire battlefield within seconds. After a few seconds when the light dies down Wahl begins to feel a pressure that he's never felt before. A powerful aura that made him short circuit. Lowering his arms he sees who's causing all of this.

Witch: Battle Dress Mode, Witch's Assualt.

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