Chapter 55: Rise and Fall of Olympus

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Hades: How would you like if I told you all about our powers and Zeus true intentions?

Natsu looks at Hades suspiciously.

Natsu: Why would you tell me all about you? Are you trying to trick me or something?

Hades: No, No! Nothing like that. Only thing I ask of you in return is for you to kill Zeus.

Natsu is stunned to hear Hades ask him to kill his fellow god.

Natsu: Why are you asking me to do so? Why can't you do it?

Hades: Always with the questions. If I do it, it will look like I wanted to kill him for position of god of gods. That's the least thing that I want.

Natsu: then why ask me to do it?

Hades: Because only you can kill a god...and because I can't stand seeing my sister be used by that asshole.

Natsu: Your sister?

Hades: You didn't know? Hera, the woman you laid your hands on, is my twin sister.

Natsu: WHAT?!

Hades begins to laugh.

Hades: Yup. This isn't some story where the gods are all messing around with each other no no. There are three sets of siblings in our small group. Athena and Ares, Poseidon and Zeus, and Myself and Hera.

Natsu: I didn't know that..

Hades: Now you do. Anyways let's get back to business. I'll tell you about our abilities but I want to know will you kill Zeus?

Natsu looks away from Hades and thinks long and hard about this before coming to a conclusion.

Natsu: Will just stopping him be enough?

Hades: Just as long as you expose the bastard I don't care if you defeat him, seal him away or down right kill him.

Natsu: Alright then I'll do it.

Hades: Excellent! Then I'll begin. Zeus he's the god of all gods the god of Thunder. Self explanatory. Hera my twin sister she has the ability called reflection. Anything you do or throw at her gets sent back with more power then the user put in at first. To be honest seeing you grab her by her throat amazed me. No one has managed to touch my sister for a thousand years. Just goes to show how strong you are. Athena and Ares. Gods of war, and twins to add more spice to things. Those two have the ability to copy any magic, and they are expert weapon handlers.

Natsu: If they can copy any magic ability why didn't Ares copy my moves?

Hades: There's a limit to what they can copy. If someone uses normal spells and enchantments they can copy those. But things like celestial magic and slayer magic is something they can't copy. For example your dragon slaying magic can't be copied. Devil slaying and god slaying are abilities they can't copy either. Those who use high enchantments can't be copied either. 

Natsu: So that's why Ares couldn't copy my magic.

Hades: Bingo. Next is Poseidon. Zeus's little brother. He is god of the seas. On land he's a threat. But take him out to the open oceans and he will become your worst nightmare. Aphrodite is someone you should watch out for the most. She can look into your heart and take form of the person you love the most. She uses that to get to her pray and uses that form to kill them. Not only does the person die from there wounds but they die from a broken heart. Last thing you'll see is your loved one, or parents kill you. She can also use transformation magic allowing her to transform into her opponent and also use there abilities.

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