Chapter 111: Calm Nap

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Minera is absolutely stunned and caught off guard by the boldness Natsu has come to her with. She's standing there with her eyes wide open, her cheeks red, her jaw dropped, hand in hand with Natsu as the pink haired dragon is looking her directly in the eyes.

Minerva: Wha..what do you mean you need me?!

Sting nudges her on her shoulder and whispers.

Sting: Isn't this what you always wanted my lady? Nows your chance!

Minerva: Would you excuse me for a bit Natsu.

Natsu: Uhh sure..

She politely let's go of Natsu's hand and slaps Sting so hard across the face he is sent flying across the guildhall until he lands on a table completely breaking everything. Minerva's eyes are glowing red.

Natsu: Umm is everything okay?

She snaps out of it and turns back to Natsu.

Minerva: Everything is totally fine!

She says with a nervous chuckle.

Ultear: Well now that that's settled. Why do you wish to speak to us Natsu?

Mavis: Let's take this conversation to my office.

She leads the way with Makarov following behind her. Natsu follows behind him and so does Irene, DiMaria and the others. Once everyone is settled in Mavis begins to talk.

Mavis: Okay, now that we are all here. Let me say one quick thing first. Once you're finished telling me the problem at hand, I will also like to speak to you about something. If that's okay with you?

Natsu: Of course that's totally fine.

Mavis: Well then begin.

Natsu: Where to start.

He says letting out a sigh.

Natsu: I'm sure you guys as well as Sabertooth have gotten the reports of Tokyo being under attack.

Mavis: Yeah, I believe Karameel informed us.

Minerva: Yes we were informed by Fairy Tail about what happened.

Natsu: Good, glad that's out the way. But what's next isn't something to be so jolly about. The two individuals who attacked us were demi gods. They go by the name Sora and Sorashi.

Makarov: Hmm. Can't say I've really heard of them.

DiMaria: That's because they're much older then you and Mavis.

Mavis: Huh?! I'm not old! I'm still in my twenties!

DiMaria: Right..

Natsu: Anyways. At first Sora was the first to pay us a visit. By us I mean DiMaria and the rest of my clan who where at home when this happened I wasn't. They briefly exchanged some words it got physical but he let DiMaria off with a small warning. "She is coming."

Mavis: She?

Natsu: The second time, Sorashi attacked us. This time I confronted her. It did not go as planned if I'm being honest.

Mavis: Why is that?

Natsu: Don't get me wrong, I held my own but I was seriously injured. If it wasn't for DiMaria here I would had been in a much worse condition. What's troubling about these two is there magic. One uses space magic, the other time.

Mavis: What?

Minerva is also shocked to hear that someone out there also knows space magic.

DiMaria: I know it's hard to believe as that type of magic is consider lost magic. But it's true. I'm afraid that isn't even the scary part of it all.

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