Chapter 70: Not Like That

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Chapter 70:

In the quiet confines of our homeroom, Aizawa's stern voice broke the hush as he informed us about our upcoming collaboration with the heroes from our previous hero studies. However, my enthusiasm was stifled by the persistent fog of memory loss that clung to my mind. The names and faces of these professional heroes were elusive, distant shadows in the recesses of my fractured memories.

Since the moment I regained consciousness, details of that fateful night had been concealed from me. The shroud of mystery surrounding my injuries and the events leading to my coma persisted like an unanswered question.

No one, not even Aizawa, had taken the time to unravel the mysteries of whatever happened that night.

I attempted to obtain information from my classmates, desperate for anything that might pierce through the amnesiac haze. Todoroki, however, met my inquiries with a resolute silence, explaining that a strict code of confidentiality bound those that were involved. He revealed, that a pact was made, and required those who participated in the mission to keep quiet about specific details, until my memories resurfaced.

The tantalizing fragments of truth I managed to extract were meager. I discovered that I had faced a formidable villain alone, a confrontation that left me grievously wounded. By the time the professional heroes intervened, I had succumbed to the darkness, my consciousness had already slipped away like sand through my fingers.

Asking for more details became a delicate topic, as Todoroki's guarded words and the unspoken agreement among others, cast a shadow over my attempts to piece together the puzzle of my own history, leaving me with only the limited knowledge I had.

It was a frustrating limbo, caught between a past I couldn't recall and a present where questions remained unanswered. The silence surrounding the whole ordeal pressed upon me. Yet, all I knew was that a villain had left me broken and battered, and a month later, I awoke to a world where my past had become a blank canvas, waiting for the colors of recollection to be painted back into place.

Nonetheless, I held onto the hope that upon reuniting with the professional heroes, perhaps more memories would resurface.

The next two classes dragged out as they always did. I caught myself fixated on the clock like usual, patiently watching the minutes go by, begging for the chime that would signal lunch break .

At long last, the sound I'd been waiting for came— the lunch bell echoed through the corridor. In response, a flurry of activity erupted as students in the classroom hastily stowed their belongings, gearing up to depart and make their way to the cafeteria.

Amidst the bustling energy of the crowded lunch hall, Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and I found our places at our usual table. Surrounded by the lively hum of conversation and clattering trays, I took a seat beside the explosive blonde, a lollipop in hand. His quizzical gaze met mine, a silent exchange in the midst of the lively atmosphere.

"Where'dya you get that?" he inquired sharply with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhh... The shop? Where you get most things?" I replied sarcastically, a smug smirk playing on my lips. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"I want one," he demanded, eyeing the lollipop.

I took it from my mouth. "Well, this is the only one I have," I teased, moving it closer.

His crimson eyes flickered briefly towards the lollipop before locking onto me and in the blink of an eye, he snatched it away, leaving me in shock.

He smirked with a hint of arrogance after putting it in his mouth, "Cherry flavor? Nice," I noticed Mina gawping at the exchange.

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