Chapter 81 - Is It Over?

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Chapter 81

As we made our way back to the floating building, the echo of several thuds reverberated, vibrating across the icy expanse before us. The lackeys we had encountered earlier had now converged upon the frozen battlefield. Reacting swiftly, the boys sprang into action. Despite having faced a near-death experience moments earlier, Bakugou was the first to act. With determination etched on his face, he hurled himself into the fray.

However, even amidst his explosive manoeuvres, I noticed a wince of pain cross his face as he reached for the wound on his hip. In a heartbeat, I teleported towards him, ready to provide support.

"K-Katsuki... don't push yourself" I pleaded, glancing over him with concerned eyes.

"I'M FINE!" he bellowed, shoving me aside with more force than expected before unleashing another explosion towards a villain. He coughed, blood spattering from his lips.

"Katsuki... please," I whispered, observing him as he brought a hand to his face, attempting to conceal the alarming amount of blood.

"I said I'm fine," he insisted, his voice a deep, resolute rumble, its chilliness unwavering.

"I'm not weak," he added with bitterness, shooting me a scornful glare.

Suddenly, another villain emerged from nowhere, descending with a malicious smirk. "Crush," he whispered.

With a moment's hesitation, I teleported behind him, evading his attack within seconds. However, I watched in horror as Bakugou and Deku crashed to the ground with tremendous force, unable to rise. The villain's laughter filled the air mockingly before he clenched his fist, causing the duo to scream in agony.

"What are you doing?" The words slipped from my lips, tinged with disbelief, as I witnessed the boys writhing in pain, completely unable to move. "Hm?" The man pivoted to face me, his gaze piercing.

I sensed an invisible force hurtling towards my direction at incomprehensible speeds, but I narrowly evaded his attack once more and teleported away, leaving his smirk to falter.

"Oh? You're a fast one, aren't you?" His voice dripped with curiosity as the smile on his face disappeared.

"I can enhance the force of gravity; those two won't be rising anytime soon," the smirk beginning to form once again, "Looks like you're down two men, with only four more to go." He added smugly, unleashing the invisible force towards us once again. Todoroki swiftly erected another ice wall, offering protection, but it crumbled under the villain's intensified gravitational force.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" I exclaimed, feeling utterly lost.

I wished Ochako were here; her quirk would have been perfect to counter his. Todoroki's flames surged, licking at the villain's skin. Violet eyes darkened, his expression turning serious as he sensed Todoroki's menacing aura and scrutinised the boy closely.

"Ah, you're the prodigy, aren't you? The number one hero's favourite child," he remarked ominously, fixing his glare on the dual-quirk user.

More invisible shots were aimed our way, but I felt Todoroki grasp my wrist, pulling me close. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist, teleporting us behind the attacker. Todoroki's flames roared once more, catching the man off guard. He leapt back, narrowly dodging Todoroki's attack, his cape immediately engulfed in flames.

Meanwhile, Phantom and Kirishima continued their battle against another villain, the one Deku had been struggling with earlier. His quirk compromised control, inducing dizziness and disorientation in those around him. I could already see its effects on Kirishima as he staggered out of sync, his movements erratic. However, the villain's quirk remained ineffective against Phantom in his spectral form.

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