Chapter 32 - Dinner at Todoroki's

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Chapter 32

I sat nervously on the couch, waiting for Todoroki's siblings, Fuyumi and Natsuo, as usual. The atmosphere felt a bit tense, knowing that Endeavor would be joining us later. I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. I was wrong. Despite being close friends with Todoroki, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about the situation. You see... His dad seriously fucking hates me.

Fuyumi enters the room, greeting me with a warm smile.

"Hey, Y/N! Thanks for coming over again. It's always nice to have you here." She said cheerfully.

"Thanks, Fuyumi. I enjoy spending time with you and Natsuo." I smiled.

Natsuo walked in, giving me a casual nod.

"Oh, great, you're here too." He said sarcastically.

"Hey, Natsuo. As charming as ever, I see." I replied playfully.

We exchanged a small laugh, trying to ease the tension.

"Don't worry about Natsuo; he's always like this."

As we continued conversation, Endeavor's footsteps echoed from the hallway, the atmosphere instantly changed. He entered the room with a stern expression, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. His presence was so intimidating and scary.

"What a surprise to see you here again." He said coldly.

"Good Evening, Endeavor. Thank you so much for having me over." I gestured a respectful bow toward him.

Endeavor eyed me suspiciously, he clearly had something against me.

"You seem to be around my son quite a lot. What are your intentions with him?" He asked skeptically.

"I- What?" I stumbled on my words.

He glared into my eyes threateningly, his 6ft stature towering over me.

"What do you mean, my intentions?" I responded questioningly.

"My son is far too good for the likes of you." His voice bellowed, as he gazed down at me.

"Oh- Y-yeah I understand sir. Todoroki-kun and I are just friends."

You see... Endeavour hated me because he was convinced, that I was trying to date his son.

"Father please. That's incredibly rude." Shoto said defensively.

"As long as she knows her place. Hmph."

Endeavour remained unconvinced, but before any more tension could arise, Fuyumi intervened, trying to steer the conversation away from the awkward topic.

"Well I made dinner, it should be ready by now!" She stated whilst heading toward the kitchen.

Endeavour took himself to the dining room, taking a seat at the head of the table. The rest of us followed trying our best to enjoy the meal despite the lingering discomfort. As the conversation flowed, I couldn't help but feel the weight of Endeavor's disapproval.

"So, Y/N, Shoto mentioned that you have some kind of teleportation quirk? Is that right?" Endeavour asked coldly.

"Uh- yes- T-that's right." I felt so awkward and anxious whenever he spoke to me.

"Hmph. Sounds useless." Endeavour responded whilst shovelling food into his mouth.

I didn't know how to respond, I was deeply angered by the way he treated me with such disrespect. But this was Shoto's father, I wouldn't dare say anything back to him.

"Well actually, she scored really high in the Provisional License Exam, with the best marks in our class." Todoroki jabbed at him.

I could feel tensions begin to rise even more.

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