Chapter 39 - The Beginning

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He didn't care? Why did that hurt?

There was a silence in the room.

"Well.. Anyway it's been a long day, I should head off to bed."

I disappeared before him, teleporting to my room quickly, not giving him a chance to say anything else.


An awkward silence came between them.

"Well.. Anyway it's been a long day, I should head off to bed." She said, breaking the silence.

Bakugou leaned up slightly from his seating position, getting ready to say something in return. When she vanished quickly before his eyes. He hated when she did that. She was always doing that. If things ever got too awkward or heated she just would disappear. He didn't even get the chance to wish her good night. That pissed him off. He whipped out his phone and texted her.

"Good night then?"


He lied back into the couch with his arms behind his head, and his phone rested on his chest. Bakugou felt that maybe the conversation they just had escalated a lot more than it should of, but Katsuki had every right to feel the way he did.

He was aware of his difficulty in forming friendships and trusting others, which made the few friendships he did have incredibly meaningful. Real friendships shouldn't be forced. Although, perhaps Y/N's was right; Todoroki wasn't as bad as he initially thought. Over time, Bakugou's animosity towards him diminished considerably. Todoroki's reserved and calm demeanor set him apart from the others, sparing Bakugou much of the annoyance he often felt. Even so, his calming presence also still managed to piss him off sometimes, does he not have any emotions to show? Why is he so calm ALL of the time?

"Todoroki always talks so highly of you."

The idea of that lingered in his mind. Katsuki always assumed Todoroki might have been bad-mouthing to Y/N behind his back, but perhaps he was mistaken. Still, even if he were to become friends with Todoroki, what then? He couldn't be friends with the guy who might potentially end up dating the girl that Katsuki himself was... No, he didn't dare complete that thought. It was irrational.

His phone dinged, it was a text from Y/N.

"Goodnight Katsuki <3"

She put a heart.

Seeing the heart emoji caused a slight blush to creep up onto his cheeks and his own heart to quicken in pace. It's just a text emoji. Why did it make him feel like this? He hesitated whether to reply to that or not.


After teleporting back to my bedroom, I got changed into some comfy clothes, ready for bed. The notification sound went off on my phone. Ugh. I'd left it charging on my desk. It's probably just a text from Dominoes;

"Hungry for some flavour? 50% off pizza with no minimum spend only on the app. Use: GOGET50%"

Fucking Dominoes. Always texting me. I lay there trying to fall asleep but something inside niggled at me. Fine. I huffed, throwing off the covers, getting out of bed to retrieve my phone from the other side of the room.


"Good night then?"

Oh no. My heart sank. I did just kind of leave... Was that impolite? Is he upset with me? Why the questioning tone? I sensed his irritation. I cautiously crafted a reply, unsure whether to hit send. It's unbelievable that he assumed I had feelings for Todoroki, doesn't he get it? Is he completely clueless? Emotions began to overwhelm me. Some truths weren't yet ready to be confessed, but Katsuki always had a keen understanding of me...

"Goodnight Katsuki<3"


I've never used a heart like that before... Maybe I'm reading too much into it? I'm curious if he'll respond... But really, what could he even say? What if he just finds it weird?

💥 Katsuki 💥


He texted back.

A deep blush spread across my cheeks. It could be a minor thing, maybe I was overthinking it too much; what if he sends hearts to all the girls he texts? Maybe the idea of that was a bit ridiculous, but I don't know... Yet, to me, it meant something.

I lay back down in bed staring up at the ceiling for a couple more minutes, then looked back at Katsuki's last text. I got a sinking feeling... Was I falling for him? I wasn't sure, but shortly after that, I did fall asleep.

The next day I headed to Interstellar's agency for more updates on the assignment.

"We've already sent the Recon Squad in. Y/N, you hold a significant part in the next step." 707 stated.

My heart began to race.

"707 shall keep track of their position via the webcam network. However my dear, if anything is to go wrong or they call for back up, I'd like you to try your best, in utilising your powers to help."

"But how? I've never been there before.. So I don't think I'll be able to teleport there." I replied feeling useless.

"I understand that, but I think you should try."

I looked to her questioningly.

"You must have a clear picture of the place in your mind in order to do so, am I right?" She asked softly.


"Well, perhaps after looking at an image of a place for long enough, you may be able to achieve the same results."

I'd used photographs in my training as a way to visualise places. However, they were pictures I'd taken myself, at places I'd been to before. Still, it was worth a try.

"Okay. I'll do my best." I said with determination.

Hagakure, Yoroi and Ectoplasm were already scouting the designated area. Yoroi and Ectoplasm were fully clothed in remarkable disguises. Toru used her invisibility alongside them, she didn't show up on the cameras.

We watched with anticipation, still in contact with the Squad via radio.

"We- believe to have acquired- O-one of the targets." Yoroi informed us.

His voice broke up slightly over the static.

"Which one?" 707 asked.


His voice continued to break up.

"Looks like the distance between the radio's is causing the signal to falter." 707 stated.

"Y/N." Interstellar looked to me and handed me a radio of my own.

I knew what I had to do. My gaze fixated on the image displayed on 707's laptop screen. The 4K resolution from his cameras lent exceptional clarity to the picture before me.

"If anything goes wrong my dear, you bring everyone back here okay?"


I devoted a substantial amount of time to studying it, absorbing every minute detail—the road's markings, the signs on neighboring structures, the street's nameplate, the meticulously parked cars, house numbers, and the peculiar yellow residence with its garden, resembling more of a scrapyard.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, immersing myself mentally, focusing intently, straining to concentrate. As I opened them, I found myself there.

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