Chapter 13 - I'll Never Forget

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Chapter 13

The weekend was over and it was time to go back to School. I still didn't want to discuss the incident that had happened at the Arcade last Friday but luckily none of my classmates brought it up either, it seemed the whole ordeal had been forgotten about and everyone had moved past it. Although, I hadn't given Bakugou a proper thank you and it's been playing on my mind. He saved me, and I needed to find a way to express my gratitude but I didn't have a clue how to approach him about it.

When lunch came around, I found him alone in the halls by his locker. I figured now was my chance.

"Katsuki-kun" I called out to him.

He looked up from his locker, not showing much emotion but narrowed his eyes like usual.

"What you want?"

"I- uh well..."

I began to feel a little awkward. After everything that had happened I felt so relieved that he came back and did what he did. Yet I'll never forget how angry he was staring down that villian. The fact that I had just randomly disappeared after the whole incident too, I wanted to say my thanks but was scared I'd have to answer questions and I didn't know how Bakugou would react. Would he be calm and rational or is he going to give me his usual nasty attitude?

"I wanted to thank you for-" He interrupts, cutting me off.

"No need to thank me." He gives out loftily sigh.

"Beating up bad guys is just what a hero does." He said cooly, then turned to face the other way, throwing a bag over his shoulder.

He pauses for a moment to say something else.

"I'm actually disappointed in you."

I had never felt so crushed.

"I thought you were a lot stronger than that Y/N..." He looks back at me, his eyes glimmered with a hint of discontent.

"But you completely crumbled once alone with a villain... I guess I was wrong." He turned back to face the opposite way.

"You are weak."

I didn't know what to say. It felt as though his words had pierced directly into my heart. Disappointed? That's far worse than him being angry. Bakugou was someone who I always thought of as a harsh and cruel boy, but I couldn't help by strongly admire him. He could say the most inconsiderate, nasty, offensive things to, yet this time even though his words hurt, I didn't get a sense of malicious intent. He was genuinely disappointed in me, I was useless and needed to be saved.

"I know." I replied, a look of sorrow embedded across my face.

In an instant, I teleported before him, ensuring my eyes would meet his gaze.

"It won't ever happen again." I said with a determined promise.

He leaned in closely, scrutinizing my eyes, as if trying to discern any trace of deception.


As he started to walk away, I realized I hadn't conveyed my gratitude yet. Even though he refused to accept my thanks, I wanted to say something, anything—a string of words that could somehow reach his distant heart...

"Also.. I-I love strawberries." I said quietly whilst walking beside him, a dust of pink rose in my cheeks.

He took a moment to look back at me, his eyes meeting my own. They softened ever so slightly.

"I thought so." He smirked and walked off without saying anything else.

The interaction was enough for me to know that everything was okay. He wouldn't ask any questions and he knew that I was grateful. But even still, I didn't know what to think or how to feel. One minute he hates me, saying the most horrific, unimaginably cruel things... The next he saves me. I couldn't understand him, I never knew what he was thinking and it drove me crazy. Yet, he was the only one I could see being a real hero.

"If anyone was to be the number one hero, I wouldn't be surprised if it was you."

I'd forgotten I'd said that, I began to blush at the thought of it, I felt a little embarrassed looking back... Even though it was true. After seeing the way he was when he saved me, I couldn't resist feeling that way even more.

But what does he really think of me? My heart seemed to ache for an answer. I've never met someone as confusing and conflicting as him, but I had to set those feelings aside. Thoughts of Katsuki had begun finding their way into my head lately, even though I had more important things to focus on.

For the rest of the week I'd spent a lot of it doing my hero studies much like the other students. I'd learnt how to strengthen the utility of my quirk and travelled to all kinds of different places with Interstellar.
She had asked me all kinds of personal questions, one of which included curiosity of my hobbies. I let her know that I loved to draw. She then advised me to use those abilities as a way to improve my quirk. In order to do so, I kept drawing the places she took me to over and over to help me visualise them better in my mind. This helped strengthen my visualisation skills meaning, opening gates to places far beyond the scene would be easier.

I got to meet her team, some other undercover heroes. They had taken me to one of the smaller prisons used for villains that performed petty crimes. I was able to memorise the visual of empty cells so if worst comes to worse, I could utilise this in the future being able to send criminals straight to captivity.

Although I had to sign an NDA and everything all seemed a little intimidating at first, I pretty much did usual hero training stuff you would expect. The only real reason I wasn't allowed to talk about it was because of WHO I was working with not really the missions that I had worked on, which put my at ease.

Rift Runner her second in command was in charge of self-defence and reflex capabilities. He taught me all kinds of things and made me perform reflex tests as a way to direct my form during fights. I had been training hard these past few weeks, it always made me wonder how the rest of my class were getting on. I hadn't been able to talk to Todoroki much or Deku either, I missed hanging out with my friends at lunch and all the shenanigans we ended up getting ourselves into. Now that my internship was drawing to a close, I was excited to be reunited with them again.

My last day here would be tomorrow, a day I would never forget. No, I'll never forget my last day working there. Never.

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