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(this picture is exactly how I imagine Sero in this scene lolol)

Chapter 66:

The explosive blonde continued to drag me along down the intricate corridors of our school as though I was a misbehaving dog on a leash. Surprisingly, I didn't seem to mind, simply following his lead as if it were routine. Eventually, we reached the homeroom doors. I felt the grip around my wrist softly slip away as he opened the door. We walked inside, awaiting Aizawa's return to guide us to our physical training location for the day. The room brimmed with anticipation as we entered, Sero hurried over to us the moment we stepped in.

"Bakugou! Did you seriously threaten to kill someone at lunch!?" he asked with a hint of shock, though realistically, is it that surprising for Bakugou to do such a thing?

It's undeniably true; gossip travels rapidly in high school.

"Hah?" Bakugou replied, not paying much attention to the growing crowd around us.

"That was you!?" Hagakure chimed in, "I overheard there was some guy threatening someone who was harassing girls!"

"Oh my god!? We heard about that too!" Ochako added, glancing over to Midoriya who stood there looking utterly bewildered.

"Oh, I think you mean someone who was harassing Bakugou's girl," Mina teased.

"The one time I skip lunch with you guys, and I miss out on all the DRAMA! Life's so unfair!" Sero sighed, leaning against Kaminari's desk with a pout.

"Bakugou's girl? BAKGOU has a girlfriend!?" Hagakure interrupted with a squeal of excitement, "Who is it, who is it, who is it!?" She chanted rather enthusiastically.

"Kaachan?" Deku questioned looking beyond surprised.

"She's not my fucking girlfriend," Bakugou retorted, his irritation growing as Hagakure playfully asked him, clearly unamused by her words.

Right then and there, I wished the Universe would swallow me whole, in the hopes that I could vanish forever. I found myself cowering behind Bakugou, clutching onto his arm as though he were a shield guarding me from the overwhelming embarrassment that was coursing through me.

"Stop clinging to me like that! This is how people get the wrong fucking idea!" Bakugou forcefully pulled his arm away from my grasp, which shoved me forward, unveiling my crimson-red face to the entire class.

"Y/N!? Someone was harassing you?" Ochako asked, concern evident in brown eyes.

"Um.. Yeah.. kind of, he was being really creepy and made me uncomfortable." I stared down at the floor shuffling my feet awkwardly.

"That's horrible." She replied softly, gazing back and forth between me and the clearly infuriated blonde who rolled his eyes.

"I didn't know Y/N was your girlfriend?" Yaorozu added to the conversation, her face a mix of confusion and surprise.

My heart sank once more upon hearing her words, and my cheeks ignited as if my face had caught fire. Without offering a response, I quickly walked past them, avoiding eye contact with the curious onlookers, overwhelmed by the awkwardness and embarrassment, leaving the seething blonde to deal with it. I found refuge in my seat at the back, next to the red-and-white-haired boy.

Bakugou's voice echoed from the other side of the classroom, strongly denying any romantic involvement. "For the last time, she's NOT my damn girlfriend!"

Hagakure, seemingly oblivious to the brewing tension, innocently chimed in, "I thought she was dating Todoroki-kun anyway?" Her words prompted the entire class to turn their attention toward our seats at the back.

When Heroes Collide  - Bakugou X Reader Slow BurnWhere stories live. Discover now