Chapter 31 - Now You Know

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The backstory summary I promised for those who didn't wish to read it:

Y/N grew up fatherless, as she got older a letter came through the door from her dad, so she tracked him down to an apartment block, to finally meet him. After the first couple seconds of meeting him, he his brutally killed in front of her, so was her entire family she never knew she had;  her half siblings (brother & sister) and step-mom who she also never got to meet. After the entire ordeal she quickly teleports back home, to inform her mother of what just happened. She immediately suggests that they need to flee the country. The villain who took her fathers life was the very one who showed up at the Arcade, travelling across the world to find her.

Chapter 31

"Well... There you have it." I looked away not wanting to meet Bakugou's gaze.

He stared at me with nothing to say.

"The villain at the Arcade... It was him." I said with anguish.

Bakugou looked rather awkward, unsure of what to do with himself. He leaned in close, pulling me towards him.

"Come here." He said in a low hushed voice.

He didn't say anything else after that, but wrapped one arm around me whilst his face rested against my shoulder. I tried my best not to cry, I had never opened up to anyone about this stuff before, because I never felt ready to revisit the memory. We stood there in silence for a long while as he held me. My face buried in chest. His embrace always felt so warm and strong, I felt so safe. After telling him, I felt a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Keeping it inside after all this time hadn't been good for me.

I was hoping now, maybe he would understand just how much it meant to me the night at the Arcade, when he saved me. I wanted him to understand how much I cared about him and how it's okay to not be okay, as I knew what it was like. We continued to stand together in silence for awhile until he spoke.

"But... You're always smiling." Katsuki said quietly.

"I never would have thought someone like you... Had gone through something so painful." His voice cracked slightly.

I inhaled deeply, collecting myself together to give him a response.

"Everyone goes through something painful at some point in their lives... That's just the way it is." I replied, knowing he had dealt with painful things too.

I looked up and smiled at him through misty eyes, his crimson gaze softly met mine.

The anger I felt toward him after everything he said had faded. After all, actions speak louder than words. If he truly didn't care about me, why would the villain from the Arcade of been lingering in the back of his mind after all this time? Why did he save me without hesitation? Why did he pick a fight with me? I think Bakugou claims not to care because in fact, he cares too much. He may be a complicated guy who tries to hide his true feelings, and I don't know why he's like this. But the way he held me in that moment, I could tell he cared.

"I have one more thing I want to ask..." He said hesitantly.

"What is it?" I was curious although my heart began to pound.

"Do you know why?..."

"Why he did that?"

I took another deep breath, understanding his curiosity behind the villains motives.

"To this day, I'm still not sure. But my mum... She told me, that he is a dangerous man. A man with dark intent..." I hesitated to continue.

"Who is most likely after me." I said seriously.

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