Chapter 25 - Provisional License Exam Pt I

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I woke up early, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. Today was the day of the Provisional License Exam—the next step in my journey to becoming a hero. As I stepped outside, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination coursing through my veins. This was my chance to prove myself, to showcase the skills and qualities that would make me a worthy hero.

The morning air felt crisp against my skin. It didn't take long before Class 1A arrived at the examination destination. As I entered, I was greeted by a sea of aspiring heroes, from all different kinds of schools across Japan, all eager and ready to put their quirks to the test. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation and friendly competition. The examiners spent the first half an hour explaining the different kind of trials we were to partake, each designed to push us to our limits. Nervously, we headed inside.

Once the exam started Class 1A had already been divided immediately. Izuku suggested it would be best that we all work together meanwhile, Bakugou and Todoroki seemed to disagree. I couldn't say I wasn't surprised. Katsuki was going to pass this exam the only way he knew how - by himself, without no help from no one and I respected that.

He walked off without saying anything. However, this didn't stop Kirishima and Kaminari chasing after him. I guess he was going to have help whether he liked it or not. A part of me was disappointed in Todoroki also wanting to work solo but then it got me thinking... Maybe I should too? 

Within minutes of the exam starting, it was as though Class 1A was being targeted specifically. All the other high school students began chasing us down ruthlessly. One boy from another school, split the ground in half with what appeared to be an earthquake quirk, thus separating us all from one another. I guess now I didn't have a choice but to work alone.

"Which school is she from?"

I overheard a student nearby, clearly referencing to me.

"I dunno but she's alone, we should take her out."

There was four of them approaching, three guys and a girl. I hadn't a clue what quirks they had as their appearance didn't seem to give it away. They quickly began to make their way over, but I teleported instantly before them, tapping the first set of buttons on their costume as fast as I could. I then teleported back and forth, tapping all the buttons they had between them. It took me less than 60 seconds.

"I didn't think it would be this easy." I said gazing back at the four students I'd managed to already take out.

They all stared at me in awe of the insane speed I had just demonstrated. I was so fast they completely struggled to comprehend how they lost so easily. Especially considering neither of us had even attempted to fight.

"Are you in Class 1A?" One of the boys asked.

"Yeah." I said softly.

Their eyes widened.

"But she wasn't at the Sports Festival." I overheard the girl whispering to him.

That's when it clicked for me. No wonder Class 1A was being targeted. I was starting to feel thankful I never had the chance to participate in the U.A. Sports Festival. Not only did the villains know what pretty much everyone's quirks were, but students from other schools did too. I felt extremely lucky and was off to a good start, yet I couldn't help but feel great concern for the rest of my classmates, being separated didn't help.

I teleported away with caution to another area of the exam hall, trying my hardest to find any familiar faces. Maybe if I could get enough of us together from Class 1A, we could temporarily teleport out of here whilst we came up with a plan, it would at least buy us some time. 

But I couldn't find anyone I recognised. The pressure was getting to me and there was only a limited amount of time, I wished them the best, but I had to forget about my friends and focus on myself. I teleported in and out of the crowd of hero's, tapping numerous buttons without being detected. It was suspiciously easy, things were going a little too well that it was making me feel uncomfortable. I'd single-handedly taken out at least 18 other students, it was only a matter of time until I met my match.

'I wonder how Bakugou's doing?' I thought to myself looking across the exam hall, he was nowhere to be seen.

In fact, I couldn't see any other students in this current area. Abruptly, an unsettling stillness engulfed the surroundings, it was eerily quiet.

"We're the same." A soft murmur emerged from behind me.

Instinctively, I searched for the source of the voice, and from the depths of the shadows materialized a mysterious boy. I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was about him or whether it was his manner of speaking. However, when our eyes locked, I detected a faint trace of anguish. The intensity with which he gazed into my eyes suggested that he perceived something within me, as if he recognized himself.

"You want to escape from your past too."

His words struck me deeply, for they held undeniable truth. Indeed, it was the very reason as to why I moved to the other side of the world. But how did he know that?

"I'm sorry but I have to do this... I need to pass too." He said sounding a little guilty, but determined all the same.

He got himself into a stance, preparing to fight.

"Wait." I shouted, whilst readying myself for defence.

But he didn't wait.

He came at me fast and fierce, tornado kicking me in the side. My body propelled backward into a nearby wall. It hurt, but after fighting against Bakugou, I felt maybe this would be a piece of cake.

I sprinted towards him, seemingly teleporting to close the distance between us. With my arm drawn back, poised for a powerful punch, I lunged forward. However, to my astonishment, my fist passed straight through him. Stunned by this unexpected turn of events, I lost my balance, stumbled forward, and crashed onto the ground.

"Oh you won't be able to land a hit on me. I can promise you that" He said smugly, looking down.

This mysterious individual was regarded as one of the finest students at Shiketsu High School. However, he remained largely invisible, as if shrouded in perpetual anonymity. No one really acknowledged his existence, not even his teachers. His Quirk: Ghost.

In an instant, his entire form underwent a remarkable transformation, shifting into an ghostly, spectral entity.

"Woah." I couldn't help but stare in awe.

"They call me Phantom." He said, staring at me.

It was as if his quirk had the ability to momentarily erase his psychical form, leaving behind a ghostly void in its place.

"What do they call you?" He asked gently.

At that moment, a realization dawned upon me. I had never disclosed my hero name to anyone before, and I certainly wasn't about to reveal it to a strange boy I just met. Swiftly, I vanished from his presence, only to reappear close by to Izuku, Uraraka, and several other students from Class 1-A. They were in the midst of a fierce battle against what seemed to be, every single student participating in the exam.

"Oh shit."

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