Chapter 35 - I Can't Sleep

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Okay SO we all know todoroki & bakugou were unable to do their hero studies without their licenses but what if they DID?😏

In this story, the characters will still be taking supplementary lessons for their licenses but also doing the hero studies (just a lot less days than the rest of the class)

As the new year began, it was time to return to U.A. after the Christmas break, and I couldn't wait for it. I moved back into the dorms with the rest of my U.A. classmates, each of us telling each other what we got up to during Christmas. I felt blessed to be reunited with my friends again, hearing all their festive stories.

Kirishima had gone to Rome for Christmas this year, funnily enough so did Mina with her family... At the exact same city, in the exact same hotel. What a coincidence.
Mina was shuffling through all the pictures on her phone, showing me the beautiful architecture Rome had to offer. Denki spent Christmas with his grandparents who lived up in the country. Jirou spent it at home with her family like she does every year.

In the middle of conversation, the front door swung open with a loud brooding bang. Katsuki appeared behind it, clearly he had kicked it open, whilst holding a large box of his stuff to put back in his room. I got up quickly to grab the door, holding it open for him. He walked straight through the living room, down the corridor and to his bedroom, ignoring everyone. He slammed the box just outside his room to the floor with a huff, mumbling something along the lines of "Fuck it, I'll sort it later" and came back to the lounge where the rest of the Bakusquad we're situated. Our group and a couple of the others were the first back on U.A. campus it seemed.

"Bakugou!! Nice to see you're back!" Kirishima walked over to him from where he was stood, wrapping his arm around his left shoulder.

"Bakugou!! Our home boy! Did you miss us!?" Kaminari joined Kirishima on Bakugou's other side, wrapping his arm around the opposite shoulder.

"Both of you get off me! Stop smothering me!" Bakugou shook them off, huffing and rolling his eyes.

"How was your Christmas break Bakugou-kun!?" Mina asked.

"It was fine."

"C'mon give us more than that!"

"I got cards. I got money. I got presents and had a nice dinner... Better?" He replied snarkily and slumped into the sofa next to Jirou.

"Well Y/N that leaves just you! What did you get up to for Christmas!?" Mina asked.

I'd already closed the door after Bakugou making an entrance and took a seat on the floor around the kabuki table.

"Uhh- same thing really. Every year we watch the Harry Potter movies throughout the holidays, kind of tradition."

"Oo I love Harry Potter!"

We continued to engage in excited conversation about the new year to come and our hero studies, although albeit, I was feeling a bit nervous of it all.

"Well I heard this time we'll be fighting against REAL villains!" Mina stated.

"Really? That's so cool! So much better than last time." Kiri replied.

I began shuffling on my seat feeing uncomfortable. I hadn't really ever.. Well, fought against actual villains before... I was starting to feel really anxious. What if I realised I wasn't actually cut out to be a hero? Yeah, I did well in my License Exam and I'm a top student, well at least in most of my classes. But... what if I wasn't good enough to be a hero?

Shortly after reuniting with everyone for the evening, the night came to an end and I headed off to bed but I just couldn't sleep. I laid there tossing and turning, playing soft sleepy music and NOTHING. I continued to lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. Why can't I sleep? What is this feeling?

I picked up my phone and stared at it, debating in my head until I decided to text Katsuki. He gave me his number just before Christmas break, although we didn't text much to be honest. I sent him a "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year" he responded with the same, but that was pretty much it.

"Are you awake?" I sent it.

A fresh sense of anticipation started to surface. This time, it wasn't tinged with worry. In fact, it felt kind of exciting, like butterflies.

Not too long after he actually replied.

"Yeah. Why?"

He's so short with me all the time.

"I can't sleep."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

I laughed. I mean, nothing really, I guess I was feeling lonely. I wondered if texting him this late at night was an annoyance. Maybe I woke him up and he's pissed off.

"I'm surprised you're still awake to be honest."


Several minutes went by without a response. Maybe he fell back asleep or maybe he really was pissed off. I started to get a little worried and began typing.

"I'm sorry if I woke you u-"

"I can't sleep either." He texted back.

I deleted the text I was about to send. He couldn't sleep either? I didn't know how to reply. I wondered why l Bakugou struggled to sleep? Do things seem to bother his mind at night too? I wondered what kind of things could keep someone like Katsuki up at night.

I laid there in bed for awhile, not too sure what to say. I didn't want to pry, Katsuki hated that. A few moments later there was a gentle knock on my door, I got up to open it.
Katsuki stood there, a pillow in one hand, a blanket in the other.

"Would it help if I slept here?" He asked softly.

I opened the door and gestured for him to come in, quickly checking to see if anyone was around to witness, then closed the door behind him. He threw the pillow on the floor next to my bed, along with himself, wrapping up into the blanket.

"Will you be okay on the floor?"

"Floors fine. I can sleep anywhere."

"But I thought you just said you couldn't sleep?"

I couldn't help myself.

Swiftly pivoting, he spun around fast, the blanket draping around him snugly, resembling a burrito.

"Shut up!" He shout whispered at me.

I laughed.

"You look like a burrito."

He sat up quickly, turning to face me, catching himself in the mirror. He laughed softly.

"Shut up and go to sleep." He said gently with a slight smile on his face, turning back the other way to go to sleep.

I laid back down in bed, my gaze lingered for a moment on the ash blonde spikes that poked from the top of his blanket, before I softly turned the opposite way.

"Goodnight Katsuki." I whispered softly.

About 30 seconds went by.

"Goodnight Y/N." He whispered back.

Shortly after we were soundly asleep.

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