Chapter 33 - Tease

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The Arcade was different this time, Bakugou stayed by my side throughout the entire night, everyone did. I was feeling rather anxious to be back there again after brushing paths with my past last time. But I'm glad I joined my friends, we stuck together as one big group, so I felt a lot safer. I also couldn't help but remember Katsuki's promise, that he would never let that villain hurt me again which was comforting.

After indulging in all the games the place had to offer, we decided to finish the evening with a meal in one of the restaurants nearby. We were all sat together on one side of the restaurant - Me, Mina, Jirou, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari sat in one booth, Todoroki, Midoriya and Ochako in another and Momo, Jirou, Tokoyami and Sero were seated in the other. Yes, Tokoyami actually joined us this time. A couple of the guys (Tokoyami, Sero, Deku and Todoroki ) went up to the front to order some food. Ochako, Momo & Jirou came to sit in the booth next to us as a group of guys approached the table.

They were tall, handsome boys of similar age, one of them spoke to me.

"Uhh, hey you- with the h/c hair."

Mina nudged me.

"He's talking to you." She whispered.

Everyone tensed up, including myself, concerned as to what was about to happen.

"Are you single?" He smirked flirtatiously.

"Uhh- what?" I replied, blushing hard, completely thrown off guard.

Mina's eyes lit up, Jirou too.

"No. She's not." Bakugou interjected, rather aggressively.

Everyone at the table turned to look at him.

"Oh shit- Sorry man. I didn't-"

"Even if she was, what does some loser like you have to fucking offer?" He glared at him threateningly.

"She was just- I noticed her across the room and thought.. Well I-" The guy kept stumbling on his words.

"Thought you'd take your chances? Ha. Fuck off." Bakugou shouted with gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry.." The guy said awkwardly and wandered off with the rest of his friends who were all laughing harshly at him.

"Bakugou that was mean!!" Mina shouted.

"Why? Y/N did you actually want that losers fucking number?"

"Uhh- Well.. No not really." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah exactly, but she's not gonna tell him to fuck off is she? She's too nice for that shit." Bakugou rolled his eyes.

I mean, he was definitely right. I most likely would have unwillingly taken his number, never to of contacted him but out of politeness.

"Is that so?" Mina looked to me with a devilish smile.

"So are you single Y/N?" She asked mockingly.

"Yes I am! How come? Are you wanting to ask me out? I mean you're a cutie but not quite my type darling." I teased back at her.

"Hahahahah OH WOW THANKS. So what IS your type then? HMMM???" She teased back even harder.

"Well I-" I began to blush.

Mina. Goddamn this girl, she's my best friend but she always does this.

"No no no, you just said I wasn't your type so CLEARLY you have one!" Her eyes began to sparkle.

She's always trying to get some kind of confession out of me.

"I was taking the piss." I replied, slightly annoyed at her.

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