Chapter 69 - My Favourite

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Chapter 69:

(Sorry bc it would of been funny to time this chapter perfectly for smth spicy but i haven't🥲)

The three of us trudged through the rain-soaked path toward the dorms, a thick silence hanging heavily between us. We were nearing our destination, but the tense quiet seemed to stretch into eternity. The desire to shatter the stillness clawed at me, yet I hesitated, feeling the weight of unspoken words in the air. The rain, though a welcome distraction, cast a somber mood over our journey.

As we finally approached the accommodation building, I fumbled for my keys, fingers fidgeting nervously. Bakugou vigorously shook off the rain from the umbrella, folding it with sharp precision. Todoroki, with a gentle touch, removed the borrowed and now soaked blazer from his shoulders and handed it back to Bakugou, a small smile gracing his typically stoic expression.

In response, Bakugou, who usually wore a scowl, nodded with a rare acknowledgment. We entered the dorms, the echo of the rain lingering in the background.

The three of us stepped into the lounge, and Mina, with her keen eyes, immediately spotted us. She rushed over, relief evident on her face.

"Y/N! You're okay! I did drop by the nurse's office, but you were still unconscious," she chuckled awkwardly, her bright smile revealing genuine happiness at my well-being.

"Yeah! My leg is all healed up now!" I spun around playfully, sharing the good news.

Kaminari joined the conversation with a wide grin. "I heard you were personally carried all the way to Recovery Girl, by a certain someone." He nudged me playfully, eyeing the blonde, with a teasing tone in the hopes to prompt a reaction from Bakugou.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, the explosion hero huffed loudly. "And?" His gaze shot daggers at Kaminari, his irritation evident.

"I'm fucking drenched. At least let us dry off before you start with that shit." He scoffed with annoyance and marched upstairs, Todoroki quietly followed behind him, also eager to escape the rain-soaked discomfort.

Watching as the two boys left, I realized I was the only one still mainly dry. Bakugou's umbrella had definitely been helpful, but lingering exhaustion and dizziness continued to nag at me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go change too. I hate sitting around in my uniform," I yawned and stretched.

Mina, ever the social planner, chimed in, "Sure thing! If you're up for it, we're watching a movie at 9, I've asked the whole Bakusquad if they wanna join." I smiled at her, appreciating the offer, even if I didn't quite feel up to it right now at least.

"What time is it now?" I asked softly.

"Just about to go quarter to 8," Kirishima replied with his usual friendly smile, showing me the time on his lockscreen.

"Okay cool, I'll let you guys know if I feel like it later!" I responded warmly, returning the smile.

I loved that my friends made an effort to hang out together, always eager to make me feel included. Without my memories, there were times I felt like an outcast and even without saying anything, it was as though on some level they knew that. Their invitations and friendly smiles felt like a reassurance, one that told me these friends were real, they always had been, always would be and being with them, was like being somewhere I belonged.

I waved them off before heading to my room. Slightly dragging myself along the corridor, Recovery Girl's quirk had worked wonders, but it left me feeling drained. Upon reaching my bedroom and pushing the door open with more effort than I would have liked, I found myself instantly falling onto the bed.

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