Chapter 74: The Boy Who Changed The Flowers

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Bakugou and I found ourselves on our hero patrol, the tension between us hanging thick in the air. Since departing Endeavor's agency, not a single word had passed between us, the stubborn silence a testament to our unresolved issues. Walking side by side, our gazes forward, we both refused to break the awkward silence, each determined and stubborn enough not to be the first to give in.

The cityscape unfolded around us as we continued our patrol in silence, eyes scanning for any sign of trouble. The frustration simmered beneath the surface, making the air crackle with unresolved emotions. Yet, neither of us would yield, the silence stretching on until, suddenly, a corner shop emerged in our path.

Breaking the tense moment, Bakugou's gruff voice pierced the stillness, "I'm gonna go grab a drink." The words seemed forced, a deliberate attempt to shatter the stifling atmosphere. With that, he marched into the shop, leaving me standing outside, grappling with the lingering tension and the realization that some things were too stubborn to be easily dissolved.

Standing in awkward uncertainty outside, I hesitated, contemplating that maybe buying a drink for myself would be a good idea. Tentatively, I stepped inside, my eyes scanning the aisles until I spotted ash-blonde hair farther down among the array of drinks. I trailed after him, stopping myself midway, caught in a moment of hesitation.

Bakugou's remark about me following him like a little lost puppy echoed in my mind, causing me to halt abruptly. The truth in his words carried a sting, acknowledging that, indeed, I had followed him into the store. Letting out a resigned sigh, I found myself staring at a bottle of water, unsure if I felt like buying it anymore.

Turning on my heel, I began to retreat, only to collide with someone unexpectedly. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I stammered, the apology escaping my lips as I tried to navigate the accidental encounter, the awkwardness of the situation only deepening.

"Y/N?" A soft, gentle voice called my name, and I looked up to meet the gaze of the woman I'd just bumped into.

"Mom?" My eyes widened in surprise.

"Look at you in your hero costume! You look so grown up," she beamed, pulling me into a warm embrace. I smiled in return.

Glancing behind me, she fixed her gaze on the explosive blonde, "You're with your friend?" she asked curiously.

"Um, yeah, we're on patrol," I fumbled awkwardly in response.

"You didn't tell me you'd be with Bakugou," she sighed with relief. "I was really worried; you should have said."

"How do you—" I began to ask, but felt a presence behind me as Bakugou joined the conversation. "Miss L/N," he bowed respectfully, glancing at me uncomfortably before meeting my mother's gaze.

"It's good to see you," she smiled brightly at him. "Please, call me M/F/N."

I shifted my gaze back and forth between the two, utterly bewildered by how my mother even knew of his existence.

"Oh wow, your hero costume looks great too!" She remarked happily with a warm smile.

The typically explosive blonde reciprocated with a smile of his own, leaving me even more puzzled. "T-thank you," he replied a bit quietly, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck. The unexpected exchange added a layer of intrigue to the already bewildering encounter.

"You both look so grown up," My mother added softly, glancing back and forth between us with a proud expression, "Anyways, I'll leave you both to it, wouldn't want to interrupt important hero business!" She added hastily with a wink, leaning into me, "You'll be just fine on patrol with him, he'll look after you," She whispered, before waving goodbye.

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