Chapter 9 - Encounter

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Chapter 9:

"Good Morning!" I said rather chipper.

"Oh someone's in a good mood. I'm guessing he apologised then?" Mina replied glancing towards the ash-blonde.


"Bakugou.. I thought you-"

I laughed cutting her off.

"Bakugou apologise!? I don't think the words I'm sorry are in his vocabulary. It's okay though. We're good, right Bakugou-kun?"

His eyes met mine looking a little bewildered. I was in a good mood today, Todoroki really helped me feel a lot better. After school yesterday, he told me I shouldn't let Bakugou get to me. Once we got to the Library I ended up telling him everything that happened. Todorki also stated that he was pretty sure Bakugou didn't mean half the things he said anyway. I decided to trust him. I knew waiting for an apology from the hot-head was useless and not something I would ever expect from him, it's just not in his character. But that's okay. Clinging on to hurtful words and awkward situations wasn't part of my character either. So I thought it was best to just forgive and forget, even without an apology.

"We're good." Bakugou replied not showing much emotion.

"Well as long as you guys are okay I guess.." Mina said looking a little confused.

"We're headed to the Arcade tonight do y'all wanna go?"

"YES! DEFINITELY!" I said rather excitedly.

Going to the Arcade with this lot definitely sounded like something I didn't want to miss out on.

"Awesome we got Y/N to come! You can try and beat my High Score on Street Fighter."

"Hahah oh I challenge you to that!"

I'd been hanging out with these guys for quite awhile now and it had become very apparent to Kaminari & Kirishima that I was much of a gamer. I loved videogames, I was pretty good at them too.

"Bakugou you're gonna come too right?" I asked him, smiling whilst doing so.

I knew he could be an absolute asshole to the point where it even made me cry... But I didn't want him to know that. No, I had to play it cool. As they say, kill them with kindness.

"I don't really feel like it." His tone of voice felt empty with an unusual numbness to it.

He got up and left.

"Is he okay?" I asked Kirishima.


"Where does he go? You know, every time he randomly wanders off like that...Where is he going exactly?"

"No one knows where he goes. We just leave him to it. He likes his space when he's not feeling good." Kirishima says casually.

"I don't think he's ever feeling good." I awkwardly chuckled.

Everyone acted as though it was normal not giving much thought to it but I just couldn't. Something about it wasn't right, he's usually so moody and snappy. He would say something like "No. Why would I wanna go to the Arcade with a bunch of losers like you guys?" and then scoff nastily until eventually Kirishima magically convinced him to come.

I don't know, I didn't like it.

For the rest of the day Bakugou was suspiciously quiet. Not the calm kind of quiet he was when studying, it was a completely different type of silence. I didn't like it one bit. He avoided pretty much everyone throughout class, even lunch time and barely spoke a single word to us. I knew that I wasn't the best person to approach him at a time like this but no one else was clearly going to and I understood why, I just didn't like it. I tried my best to find a natural opening so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Whilst walking to our last class I noticed him drift towards his locker swapping out some books, I decided to join him. My locker was close by, only about 2-3 away. I casually swapped out some of my own books whilst trying to figure out what to say.

"Bakugou." I called out to him.

He looked across to me from behind his locker, his gaze was completely different to before. It was as though the fire that lit up inside him had been taken away.

"You should come tonight, to the Arcade. We all want you there..." I paused to take a deep breath.

"Even me."

I began to close my locker door when all of a sudden it slammed shut.

"Why the fuck would YOU want me there?" Bakugou being the culprit.

He was staring me down, the fire reignited in his eyes, the burning hatred and anger was back. He was in close proximity to myself, one arm stretched across, against the locker to the right hand side, his face closing in on mine. I couldn't help myself, but I smiled. That seemed to piss him off even more.

"Wow really? That's all it took for you to be yourself again? Thank GOD for that. Your mopping was really starting to annoy me." I said playfully.


I started to feel a little scared now, maybe I took things too far again. I was trying to make a joke... Actually I didn't know what I was trying to do. I was just glad to see him as his usual self again but now I was starting to regret that, I felt my eyes widen.

He sighed, dropping the arm that had been pressed against the locker.

"Yeah I'll go the Arcade." He slumped his bag, one-handed over his shoulder.

I walked alongside him to class, this was always followed by an awkward silence.

"You weren't yourself today." I said gently.

He didn't look at me or even reply.

"I didn't like it." I admitted.

He glanced towards me furrowing his brows.

"Being all moody is just a part of who you are isn't it?"

His eyes began to widen.

"You're not going to change and I think that's okay." I smiled.

"But if somethings bothering you... You can talk to us. Maybe not me, I understand that I'm not really your favourite person but maybe... Kirishima or something." I said quietly trailing off.

He turned to face ahead, not responding.

"I can tell somethings up Bakugou-kun and-"

Interrupting, he heaved a heavy sigh.

"Who do you talk to when things bother you?" He interjected.

I was too stunned to speak. What a question, it felt so out the blue.

"Well- I.. Uhm.. There's Mina, I tell her all kinds of things."

"What kind of things?" He asked coldly.

What was with all the questions?

"Well not many things really bother me to be hon-."

"So what does bother you?" He interrupted, stopping in his tracks, turning to face me with an aggressive scowl plastered across his face.


He stared me down for a couple of minutes waiting for me to say something. His red eyes glowing with malice.

"Be honest." His voice a low whisper, as he leaned in close to me.

"You." I said quietly, in a rather sheepish manner.

"Oh yeah? So do tell Pinky about that then or SOMEONE ELSE?" He yelled, pulling away from me.

"What are you.. Did I do something?"

I wasn't sure what he was getting at but I could feel a sour tension building between us, I didn't like it. It wasn't good, I felt as though he was about to explode.

"It doesn't matter." He grunted, picking up the pace and walking to class.

I stood there mainly confused more than anything. I honestly didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

'Do you tell Mina about that or someone else?'

I couldn't fathom what he was getting at but I'll definitely be more cautious when talking about him from now on, clearly he doesn't like it.

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