Chapter 80 - An Angel's Touch

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Chapter 80:


Bakugou's senses dulled as his consciousness teetered on the edge of life. His body lay limp, the world around him fading into a distant haze. He couldn't see the frantic movements of those trying to revive him, or hear the urgency in their voices.

But in that void, he felt a pull—an inexorable force dragging him back from the darkness. It wasn't his time yet. Not until he had spoken the words he kept locked away, buried beneath layers of fear and pride.

Caught between the threshold of life and death, a deep longing stirred within his soul, a confession of love that remained unspoken. It was a sentiment he dared not voice, yet its burden pressed heavily upon his guarded heart, weaving itself into the fabric of his existence.

His thoughts swirled, memories and regrets intertwining as he grasped at the thin thread connecting him to life. And there it was, a glistening, pretty red thread stretching out into the abyss—a lifeline tethering him to existence. With each heartbeat, it pulsed with vitality, a fragile yet resilient connection between past and future. He couldn't leave, no, not yet, not without baring his soul

Bakugou's consciousness wavered on the edge, the darkness beckoning him once more, with its chilling embrace. As he drifted further into its depths, a soft yet urgent voice pierced through the void.

"Please" the voice whispered, its gentle tone tinged with an unmistakable desperation, that tugged at his fading senses.

Closing his eyes, Bakugou was drawn to the sound of the voice, and the tender way that it called his name. Suddenly, something brushed against his lips, carrying the faint taste of a strawberry. A warmth enveloped him, as though kissed by an angel's touch, stirring a newfound determination within.

As he basked in the sensation, feeling the red thread of life pull him back with an incredible force, Bakugou's eyes snapped open abruptly as he jolted upright. Before him, sat a girl perched on his lap, tears tracing delicate paths down her cheeks.

The very girl he had once despised with every fiber of his being, yet now, in this very moment of waking up to her angelic face, he looked at her and felt a stirring of something—a realisation that she held a place in his heart, that he had denied for far too long.

His crimson eyes locked with hers as he watched the tears stream down her face, and within moments he felt the touch of her head against his chest as she pulled him close and began to cry. Bakugou began to feel uncomfortable, he wasn't good at handling people's emotions.

"H-Hey! Let go, idiot... I'm FINE!" Bakugou protested, his frustration evident as he attempted to push her away. But she refused to relent, clinging onto him with everything she had.

Scents of citrus and berry filled him as he gave in and rested his chin on top of her head, "Why you crying idiot?" He whispered, slightly irked by her dramatics.

"I thought we lost you," she choked on her words, her grasp tightening even more.

Bakugou wanted to be further annoyed by this, the fact that she could ever think he would die so easily was infuriating yet... Annoyance didn't find him.

"Idiot... I'm..." He sighed, unconsciously breathing in her sweet scent, "You're not gonna lose me." He whispered before pulling her closely and giving into the embrace. His arm naturally found itself wrapping around her, and she begun to calm down.

Bakugou shook his head in disbelief at her worry for him, irritably rolling his eyes. Yet, despite his annoyance at her clingy embrace, a small smile betrayed his true feelings. Reluctantly, he acknowledged that there was something comforting about this. A warmth blossomed deep within, to know that she, of all people, truly cared for him.

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