Chapter 83: One Last Goodbye

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Emerging from the other side of my portal, we found ourselves in the aftermath of the hotel building. It's missing top half, stood as a stark reminder of my own recklessness and stupidity, and how only mere moments before, it was my fault we almost got ourselves killed.

Despite the destruction of the previous battle, the city around us remained unscathed. Not a single civilian harmed, no trace of damage beyond the confines of the hotel itself. It was as if the chaos had been contained, sparing the rest of the world from its grasp. At least I had that to make up for my lack of judgement, and keep me feeling as though I wasn't completely useless.

I stood there, collecting my thoughts and contemplating the entirety of the day. Emotionally drained from the sudden rush of memories flooding back, confronting my father's killer, and discovering their connection to Interstellar, it was overwhelming. My mind raced, my heart pounding in my chest, threatening to break free from its confines. I could practically feel the threads of my sanity slowly begin to snap. Lost in thought, I stared blankly at the ground until a gentle hand reached out to touch my shoulder.

"Hey... Are you okay?" A soothing voice called out to me, and I raised my gaze to meet familiar mismatched eyes and a soft expression.

I nodded, unable to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions inside me. All I wanted was for the day to be over and to just go home. "We should... get back to your father," I responded to Todoroki quietly, in an empty voice, as I continued to stare at the ground, not ready to open up about anything.

Kirishima stepped forward and questioned in a slightly awkward tone, "Um... What do we do about her..?"

I took a breath, glancing across to elastic girl, standing next to Midoriya, I walked over to her, debating in my head what to say.

Looking at the woman, I realised she was pretty young, and couldn't have been that much older than myself. Although the black mask she wore, concealed the top of her face, the radiant blue of her eyes stood out amongst long silver locks.

"I have a favour to ask," I added, gently meeting her gaze as she looked back at me, nodding slowly with a hesitant expression.

I thought back to what she did... And what she said to Reaper, after he implied something so disgusting, it made my skin crawl.

"I won't just stand by, and watch you do what you did to me, to someone else,"

My heart ached at those words, I didn't need to know the depth of the situation to understand the pain that was so obvious in her eyes.

"I owe you my life... I'll do anything," She replied gently, patiently waiting for my request.

"Become a good person," I smiled, reaching out for her hand, "Turn your back on the world of villains, and live a long... happy life,"

I gazed into her eyes, as I witnessed them sparkle with an inner radiant glow of hope. Tears began to fall as her lips parted, "I... will,"

I continued to hold her hand, still looking back and forth between her eyes, "You should... Go home," I suggested gently.

"Home?" She asked and for some reason, in that moment, it was as though our minds became one, as I saw the very place that she called home.

A montage coursed through me, but these memories... They weren't mine.

I stared into her piercing blue eyes, unsure of what was happening but watched as the sequence of memories fluttered through my mind.

I saw a young handsome man holding her, as though she was the most precious thing in the world.. I watched as they slowly fell in love, from high school to colleague sweethearts, it felt like a movie playing out in my head.

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