Chapter 28 - Bakugou </3

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I awoken in the middle of the night to the sounds of distant explosions. Peering out the window, I beared witness to the glimpse of a bright light.

"Katsuki..." I thought to myself out loud.

By the looks of things, it was most likely Katsuki and he appeared to be training in the middle of the night. Although I knew this had nothing to do with me, his blasts did wake me up and I thought it would be best to at least go check it out.

I decided to teleport to an area I felt was nearby to the commotion. The blasts were much louder, I made my way slowly and cautiously toward the powerful sound of his blasts when I caught sight of sage coloured hair. Midoriya? I ducked down behind a wall and could hear the muffled sounds of conversation between Deku and Bakugou. I decided to teleport a little closer so that I was able to hear what they were saying.

"When you and I were kids, we both wanted to be like All Might, but I... was the one that had the potential." Katsuki paused to take a breath.

"Then somehow a little nobody like you was singled out by the person I admired most, and I didn't even realize it. That's why we're here. We are settling this. Right here, right now."

I held my breath behind the wall, realising I shouldn't be here. This was about something personal, something between Katsuki and Deku... Something I definitely shouldn't have been listening to but I couldn't help wonder what would be said next.

"I wanna know what made All Might give his power to a loser like you. Lemme see for myself. Is it because you looked up to him more than I did? And if that's the case...does it mean everything I've done to be like him is wrong?" Katsuki shouted.

He gave his power to Deku?

"Kaachan..." Deku responded quietly.

They continued to fight. Bakugou thrusted himself toward Midoriya, Izuku dodging his attack but refusing to fight back. Shit. Should I stop this? But then they'll know I've been listening.. What do I do?

Bakugou kept plunging toward Deku, blasting at him from all kinds of directions.

"You were always behind me our whole lives! You were stuck to me; I couldn't get rid of you. No matter how much I tried you kept coming back!" Emotion began to carry in his deep voice.

Katsuki continued to attack Midoriya ruthlessly, pushing him further back, blasting at him. It was different to when he fought against me, this time he wasn't holding back. I could tell by the way Kastuki fights, the more ruthless and strong he is, the more he's struggling emotionally. I wanted to stop it, but I felt that maybe this had to happen... Even so, I didn't want Deku to get seriously injured, it wouldn't be fair when he hasn't done anything wrong. I lingered there for a couple more moments listening, trying to come up with a plan.

Midoriya dodged another one of Katsuki's attacks which ended up forcing him back, making him fall to the ground.

"Kaachan- Are you okay?" Midoriya reached his hand out.

Bakugou smacked it away.

"Don't you dare worry about me! Attack me! Why won't you fight back!?" Bakugou's voice became shaky.

"Why did I end up having to chase after someone who was always so far behind me!? Why did a damn small fry like you get strong, and become the number one hero's sidekick – his favorite!?" His voice was gearing up to something more, growing more emotional and bitter.

"You got so much better! And I destroyed All Might! I admired him so much..." His voice was shaky and finally started breaking.

"But it's because of me that he ended up losing his power!"

My heart sank. My eyes began to fill with tears. He thought that All Might... was HIS fault? I held my breath, trying my best not to let out an audible cry. I felt so stupid, why didn't I pick up on it? Katsuki...

He took a deep breath.

"If I'd been stronger...if I hadn't been kidnapped by villains, then it never would have happened. All Might knows it was my fault but hasn't said anything."

"Everyone has to know though! I can't get it out of my head! It's like it's constantly playing on loop, so what the hell am I supposed to DO!?" He screamed painfully, as though he couldn't bear the weight of this pain no longer.

Bakugou Katsuki, a boy deemed cold, harsh and ruthless wasn't really any of those things. For the first time ever, I truly realised that this guy had feelings. Very real feelings.

He often struggled trying to express these emotions, always resorting to anger. However, clearly underneath the hard act that Katsuki tended to put on, lied a deeply shattered and broken individual. Something I'd never really seen before. Something I wasn't supposed to see.

I never realised after all this time - that he felt his beloved hero's downfall, was the consequence of his own actions. That was an immense weight to bear.

As I sat behind the wall listening in on a conversation I wasn't supposed to, I envisioned Bakugou alone in his room, tears streaming down his face, much like this very moment, overcome by anxiety and haunted by the fear of being judged by everyone. The thought of blaming him never crossed my mind, not even for a fleeting moment. I was utterly clueless that he was silently grappling with such an enormous burden, and I had done nothing.

My thoughts were interrupted, by the very image of Bakugou's face that night, when he stood staring at All Mights feeble body. His expression began to haunt my mind. I saw it a lot differently now, it wasn't the face of someone who lost his favourite hero. It was the face of someone who believed it was their fault. I wanted to reach out and hold him. Promise him that it wasn't his fault. Find a way to convince him and make everything okay. No wonder he failed his exam with this on his mind.

My instincts urged me to get up and tun to him, but had to restrain myself. No, this wasn't my place. I was never supposed to be here. It was a matter between him and Deku. It had nothing to do with me, and I had no desire to witness Bakugou's wrath if he discovered I had been eavesdropping all along. Witnessing his vulnerability felt like something sacred, I'd never seen him like this before, no one had. But in some messed up kind of way, he clearly trusted Midoriya enough too. I hesitated, made the decision to teleport away once a fight broke out between them once again.

I decided to do the only thing I could think of, and inform Mr Aizawa of the situation.

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