Chapter 61: Useless

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~ this is a long one😭~

As Bakugou walked away, leaving me with a mix of emotions, Mina and her friend rejoined me. They noticed my flustered state and couldn't help but tease me about my interest in him.

"Whoa, you really seem to like Bakugou!" Mina said with a sly grin, nudging my side playfully.

I blushed, stammering, "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

Mina's friend, who had been observing the scene, joined in with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Oh, you should've seen your face when you called him handsome. You practically turned into a tomato!"

My embarrassment deepened, and I mumbled.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud..."

Mina giggled at me.

"You're so cute Y/N! Don't worry your secrets safe with us!" She winked.

"So Y/N," Kirishima (the friend) called.

"Is there anything in particular you wanna do now you're back?" He asked with a warm smile.

I thought long and hard when it hit me, something I really desired although I was unsure why.

"Mmm.. I'd really like to.. Eat a burger."  I chuckled nervously scratching my head.

"A burger?" My friends laughed.

"Guess we're ordering takeout!" Kirishima scrolled through his phone looking for a burger joint to place an order at.

Excitement coursed through me. As the evening drew on, I initially entered a room filled with what felt like strangers. However, I soon settled into comfort, as if I truly belonged there. It was like being right at home. Though the lack of memories could be unsettling at times, my friends had a magical way of dispelling those fears. I found myself caught in these lingering moments, as if fragments of my memory were slowly weaving together. I recalled Mina's playful teasing with boys, Todoroki's angelic smile, Kirishima's infectious laughter... And then there was Bakugou. I couldn't remember him, but when he sent Mineta flying across the room, the fierceness of his gaze struck a cord within me.

With each moment spent with my friends, I slowly started to feel a bit better, I began to feel truly like myself again.

Bakugou-kun. That name seemed to find its way into my head for the rest of the night. Although my memories of him were lost, just looking at him made me feel a way I didn't feel, when looking at anybody else.

I wondered if he felt the same way, or if maybe it was all in my head? After all, he didn't seem particularly concerned about me. He didn't return to the welcome party for the rest of the evening, even when Kirishima offered takeout.

After taking the biggest bite into a burger that was humanly possible, it felt as though the soul of my being had healed just a little. It was as though a deep-seated craving had been satisfied, even though I couldn't quite understand why at the time. But yes, Y/N, after leaving the darkness behind, you finally got to devour that long-awaited burger.

The evening came to an end, so I headed off to bed to catch some rest and prepare myself for what would be my first day back at school tomorrow.

"Well, this has been really nice, I really appreciate everything you've done. Thank you so much everyone!" I bowed my head politely.

"But uh... I should head off to bed now, it's getting late."

I got up out of my seat then paused awkwardly.

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