Chapter 42 - Let's Sneak Out

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Bakugou chased after Y/N down the corridor but still couldn't find her. He soon arrived at Recovery Girls office, taking a seat outside to wait, scrolling on his phone as he watched time tick by.


I woke up to Recovery Girl looking over me.

"Ah, finally you're awake dear."

"Oh- uh.. What happened?" I asked, clearly confused and feeling disoriented.

"You overused your quirk today didn't you?" She replied with a grave expression.

"Did you try something new with your quirk today?"

"Well- I don't think so. I came here because I think I sprained my leg."

"Yes well, you did sprain your ankle but I've already fixed that for you." She smiled and gestures toward were the injury had been.

"However, that's not the reason you fainted the second you knocked on my door!" She shouted playfully.

"Oh I-"

I remembered back to earlier today, memorising a picture, and teleporting there, that was something I've never done before.

"You overused your quirk again, but it seems you will become stronger because of it." She smiled.

"Stronger? How..?"

"Only time will tell."

She placed her hand in mine helping me stand up.

"See! Your sprain is all better now. But you will need to take these to replenish yourself."

She handed me a jar of vitamins. The pain in my leg had completely gone, in comparison to Hagakure, I felt incredibly lucky.

"Woah.. Thank you so much Recovery Girl." I gestured a bow on my way out, closing the office door behind me.

Once I was in the corridor, I looked and found Bakugou slouched on the bench just outside, checking the time with a typical moody expression.


Did he wait outside all this time? Just for me? The idea of it made me blush, surely that couldn't be true.

"Oh Y/N!? You're okay?" He jumped a little in his seat, I must of startled him appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh- Uh yeah! My legs all better now!" I performed a little twirl in an attempt to convince him, he smirked back.

"Well good."

"Your limping was getting pretty annoying." He rolled his eyes.

"So what brings you here?" I teased back at him and noticed a light blush grace his face.

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked softly, pulling on his arm to obtain his attention for an answer. His gaze shifted from the ground to meet my eyes, and for a moment, a flicker of something vulnerable passed through his usually confident expression.

"Don't get all mushy and weird about it," he grumbled, a faint hint of embarrassment in his voice.

"I just... wanted to make sure you were okay."

I chuckled at his attempt to downplay his concern.

"Well, I think it's sweet, even if you won't admit it."

He scowled and looked away, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it or anything."

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