Chapter 48: The Girl That Made Bakugou Smile

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Chapter 48:

As the day drew on I couldn't stop my thoughts from earlier's situation. Bakugou was so rude, it genuinely hurt my feelings.

I was seated in the common room reading manga when I noticed the front door open, Todoroki and Bakugou appeared from behind it, finally coming back from their License Exam. Everyone rushed over to congratulate them both. Kaminari swung his arms around Bakugou.

"We're so proud of you Bakubro!!"

"Get off me!!!!" Katsuki snarled back.

"Congratulations Bakugou!!" Kirishima joined in, giving him a manly hug.

Katsuki was smushed between the two of them, his face enraged with visible anger.

"I said get off!!" He grunted with a scowl, attempting to shake them off him.

Kaminari and Kirishima laughed in return as the rest of the Bakusquad surrounded him.

"Todoroki-kun! I'm so proud of you." Midoriya said sweetly.

"Yes! Isn't this amazing Todoroki-kun!?" Ochako beamed.

I left my seat to join them, congratulating Todoroki myself by giving him a friendly hug.

"Ahhhhh! ~ I'm so glad you finally have your license!"

"Yeah, me too." He smiled.

"I still think you should've been given it in the first place, but at least you have it now." I said, giving a smile back.

I stood there for a little while, chatting to the three of them. Other people joined the conversation, congratulating Shoto. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to talk to Bakugou. He seemed busy anyway, surrounded by all of our other friends. Although, our eyes did meet briefly a couple of times. I walked back over to the sofa, ready to continue reading when he casually walked over, slipping into the couch right beside me with a sigh.

"Finally got my license." He relaxed into the couch, turning his head to face me.

"Good for you Bakugou." I said coldly, purposefully not looking his way, whilst turning the page of my book.

He continued to stare at me, then sat up slightly.

"You mad at me or something?" His voice was serious.

"No." I replied, trying my best to keep the tone of my voice sounding neutral.

Bakugou shuffled slightly in his seat, clearly feeling anxious about my answer, I glanced quickly to capture the expression on his face, he looked gravely concerned.

"If it's about earlier.. I just-" He let out another sigh.

"Mina was pissing me off and I wanted to make sure that you didn't believe what she was saying to you. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"Why would I feel uncomfortable?" I glanced over, feeling confused.

The crimson glow of his eyes widened as his lips parted, yet he hesitated before giving an answer.

"Well... I-" He glanced down, twiddling with his fingers as he thought of what to say.

I was majorly confused.

If I believed what Mina was saying, I'd feel uncomfortable? What the hell was that supposed to mean? So if I thought Bakugou was flirting with me, he thought that would make me uncomfortable? But why would it?

Wait. Should it make me feel uncomfortable? Why didn't it...?

Kirishima came over, interrupting us for a moment.

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