Chapter 2 - Making Friends & Enemies

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Chapter 2:

After class ended Aizawa asked the pink haired girl next to me if she would be my guide for the day, she enthusiastically accepted. We went ahead to our second class, she walked with me along the way.

"Aizawa kept you quiet, we didn't have a clue another student would be joining us!"

I smiled.

"Do you not get many new students here?"

"No you're actually the first one, it's a pretty big deal!" The red haired dude and dorky guy joined us.

"Y/N nice to meet ya, the names Kaminari." He winked at me. I blushed a little, the wink caught me off guard.

"Kirishima." The red head stated with a huge toothy smile.

"Oh yeah! and my names Mina! ~"

"It's nice to meet you guys." I replied. We continued our way to class, Mina explaining things along the way.

"Everyone is really welcoming here, it's exciting having a new classmate! I'm sure we'll get along really well."

"I hope so." I gave a shy smile.

"Have you met everyone yet?" She asked.

"I met uh.. Todoroki-kun and the green haired guy, I forgot his name.. uhm Mih-"

"Ahh Midoriya!"

"Yeah that's it! They were really nice and helped me find the classroom."

"I'm not surprised, they're always happy to help." Kaminari said reassuringly.

"Hey where's Bakugou?" Kirishima asked from behind.

Bakugou? I wondered.

"Hey if this was a race to class you'd be losing." Kirishima taunted to someone behind.

"HUHHHHH?? WHATEVER ROCKHEAD, KEEP WALKING!" Someone aggressively shouted in response.

It was so loud and intimidating, I felt a little on edge. Kirishima and Kaminari both burst into laughter.

Mina noticed my tense exterior. "That's Bakugou.. He's uh.. Well he's Bakugou." She laughed.

I turned around to look at whoever they were referring to. But I couldn't really see, he kept quite a distance from the rest of us, yet continued to shout inaudible threats to Kirishima.

After a short walk, we made it to our next class.

The morning classes were all typical studies that every school participates in, however after lunch was when we would be doing our Physical Training class, the one I was most excited for.

Lunch-time was approaching and I was beginning to feel nervous. Who do I sit with? How do I order food? God I hate ordering food, I don't know why but it makes me feel so awkward. Then I realised, oh- I'd brought a packed lunch with me today. The bell rang and it was time to head over to the canteen. Mina grabbed my arm.

"Come on I'll show you to the cafeteria!" We went on ahead, the purple haired girl joined us.

"Y/N this is Jirou."

"Uh.. hey." she said with an awkward smile, twirling her ear.

"H-hey! it's nice to meet you, I like your headphones, they're really good ones!"

"Right!?! Perfect for songs with a deep bass!" She replied with a sudden spark of enthusiasm.

"Jirou loves music."

"Ahhh me too!!" I said excitedly.

I felt happy. I was finally making friends. We got our lunch and Mina asked me if I'd like to join them, which of course I did. We all sat together in a booth, on one half of the table. There were 3 guys already sat on the other side. Kaminari, Kirishima and the spikey blonde haired boy, the one that was staring out the window this morning. Sat on an extra chair at the end was a boy with black hair.

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