Chapter 59: Heavy Rain

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Bakugou jolted awake, much later than usual. He let out a frustrated sigh and shot a fierce glare at the rain-drenched window. Grabbing the pillow beneath his head, he hurled it angrily against the wall before forcing himself to sit up in bed. He'd had enough of this shit. Fucking idiot wouldn't wake up and there was nothing he could do.

It was Saturday, he usually rose early, but today he woke up unusually late, precisely at 11:28am. He had never woken up that late.

Every Saturday morning he always made his way to the hospital, followed by a visit to his parents' house for lunch. His mother insisted, stressing the importance of at least one weekly visit, after everything he'd been through. Although Bakugou never opened up to the old hag, she had an inkling that he was battling with inner struggles. She knew the school had arranged counseling sessions for him, and she knew a close friend of his lay in a sleep induced coma but she didn't know much more than that.

Bakugou would have preferred to keep his weekends to himself, free from parental obligations, but the old hag wouldn't let it go. He had already amassed a string of missed calls and texts from her, all inquiring about his visit.

Old Hag:

What time are you coming Katsuki?

[Received: 9:52am]

Old Hag:


[Received: 10:25am]

Old Hag:

Stop ignoring me you little brat.

[Received: 10:39am]

Old Hag:

KATSUKI!? Your father wants to know what time he needs to begin preparing lunch.

[Received: 11:01am]

"Fuck off". He said out loud, but deep down he was bricking it.

Old Hag:

Woke up late. Be there when I can.

[Sent: 11:31am]

With a groan, he rolled out of bed and hastily slipped on something to wear, Groggily, he trudged downstairs and into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.

"I suppose I'll have to visit the hospital later," He sighed to himself once more before making his way to the front door through the lounge.

"You're up late today!" The damn rockhead just had to speak up.

"Yeah, and?" Bakugou retorted, shooting him a glare. Kirishima responded with a slightly awkward smile, his lips parting as if he were about to say more when, all of a sudden, the front door swung open. It was that damn Deku, with the gravity girl right behind him.

"KAAACHAANNN!!!" Deku shouted the moment he laid eyes on him. His eyes wide, his clothes soaking wet, he was panting as though he had just been running, all the while sporting a massive smile, on his idiotic face.

Katsuki's blood began to boil. What the fuck was this nerd so damn happy for? After the dream he endured last night, he was in no mood for it. He felt an overwhelming urge to give him a real beating this time. How dare he wear that blinding smile when their classmate remained unconscious in a hospital bed.

"WHAT YOU WANT DEKU?" Bakugou stormed towards him with a seemingly threatening aura, roughly seizing him by the collar violently. His eyes narrowed and filled with a malicious glare.

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