Chapter 20 - Kamino Incident

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Later that day I met up with the others, we were united with Deku outside the hospital, his hands were covered in bandages.

"Y/N hey!!" Deku ran up to me.

"Have you been okay? I hadn't seen or heard from you, I began to get worried."

"Ohh I- I've been okay. But your arms.. Are you okay Izuku?" I asked.

He was always so kind and genuine, I bet he couldn't stop worrying for Bakugou either.

"Oh they'll be fine! I can move my fingers now." He gave an awkward laugh.

We went over the plan one last time. Iida was completely against everything we were doing but proceeded to join us to keep an eye on Deku & Todoroki.

"I think I'll be able to take us this far to the location." I pointed to an area on the map on Momo's phone.

"We'll then have to walk from here to where the tracker is."

"Okay good." Momo replied.

Momo then stated that the villains may recognise us once we get closer to their location, so to compensate we would have to change our appearances.

"But first.... We'll need disguises!"

She seemed all a little too excited.

After a small escapade to the nearest bargain store, once the disguises had been acquired, we were finally ready to act out the plan. Although, I personally wasn't sure if I pulled off the ridiculous bright yellow wig, I actually felt as though maybe we looked even more conspicuous.

We followed Momo's tracking device which led us to a large building in Kamino. However, Momo noted that The League of Villains haven't made any moves yet, it was possible that Katsuki might not be at the hideout. Shoto then suggested we head toward the back of the hideout.

We helped Ejiro up to see over the wall. Using his binoculars he managed to see what looked to be a warehouse, when out of nowhere he began to look seriously panicked.

"What's going on? What do you see?" I asked, worry carrying in my voice.

Izuku then looked through the night goggles to confirm what Kirishima was seeing, Deku then recognised that this was not The League of Villains hideout - but in fact, a secret warehouse they were using to manufacture a number of Nomu's. We all began to feel very tense, unsure of what to do. Unexpectedly, the pro heroes began to arrive, locking in on the Nomu's able to capture them before any chance of escalation.

"I guess that's what the pros are for." Kirishima said.

We decided things were under control and Bakugou wasn't here, feeling disappointed and lost we thought it was best to make our way home. As we began to leave, a shadowy figure appeared from within the darkness, before the pro's had any time to act, he had already managed to break through Best Jeanists restrictions and released a blast wave at the Hideout Raid Squad, destroying the warehouse and causing devastation to the surroundings.

We were all completely stricken by fear. Who was this man? - All for One. He emanated a terrifying aura, there was nothing us students could do against a villain with such power, I was frozen with fear.

Best Jeanist, Mt Lady and Orca were able to survive the blast but were gravely injured. Jeanist managed to use his fibre powers to reduce the blasts impact on them, this inevitably ensued into a dark twisted fight between him and the villain. Behind the ruins of a wall, the six of us remained paralysed with fear due to All for One's overwhelming presence. Unexpectedly, Katsuki materialised from a black liquid in front of the villain which caught our attention.

I could overhear All for One saying something.

"I'd like to apologise Katsuki..."

I didn't make out what the rest of the sentence was, but I heard his name. Bakugou was definitely here. Other villains began to materialise from the black liquid too. This looked bad.

I glanced over to see a look in Deku's eyes, he was figuring things out, most likely hatching up a plan like he always does. The villains were yet to realise our location. I couldn't help think up plans of my own. Maybe if I was able to very swiftly take a quick peak, I could create a mental image and be able to teleport right behind Katsuki, if I could get close enough to touch him I'd be able to get him out of there in an instant. But would the others be okay if I did that? I might end up revealing their location somehow, putting them in danger, that was risky.

I noticed Izuku and Todoroki began to move, Bakugou being so close in our grasp I couldn't blame them. Iida quickly fell into action, preventing them from escalating the situation without a discussion. I then found myself beginning to move, ready to enact my own plan, despite how terrified I truly was but Iida shot me a look I had never seen before. With his two arms held down onto Deku andTodoroki he didn't have a third to stop me, but I felt a firm grip on my wrist, I looked to the left met with beautiful black eyes of Momo.

"Wait." She whispered, holding me back.

Without warning All Might appeared above All for One and landed a strong attack on him, however he wasn't quite fast enough, All for One managed to detect him upon arrival, blocking the attack. The clash of the two ended up creating a shockwave thrusting Katsuki, Shigarki and the other villains backward. I could hear All Might declaring that he will save Kastuki and not repeat the same mistake again that he did 5 years ago.

Left alone with the other villains, Bakugou prepared for battle. There I was, trapped behind a wall listening to his explosions, they felt so close yet so far away. He'd already begun to fight, most likely for his very own life and he didn't know we were here. There was only one of him, against how ever many of them. Anxious thoughts began to consume me once again, this was a crisis situation. Abruptly Deku spoke up.

"I've got a plan and it doesn't involve fighting. There's a way to rescue Katsuki and escape!"

A glimmer of hope glistened in my eyes. I truly loved you Midoriya. I admired his incredible brain, if he's figured out a way to save Katsuki this might actually work.

"Although it might be a bit of a gamble..."

Midoriya continued to explain the plan, it was down to Kirishima, all we could do was hope that Bakugou would accept him, which I didn't have much doubt in, I knew he would.

Deku and Iida held onto Kirishima with Izuku using One for All Full Cowl and Tenya with his Recipro Burst, this allowed them to smash through the wall whilst Kirishima used hardening, protecting himself, Iida and Deku. Shoto then used his quirk to create an ice ramp. Izuku, Tenya, and Eijiro jumped off the ice ramp and headed into the sky above the battle between the League of Villains, Katsuki, All For One, and All Might, leaving me, Momo and Todoroki behind.

As All for One launched his assault, All Might swiftly intercepted, shielding against the attack. Once we had managed to create a significant gap between ourselves and the ongoing battlefield, faint echoes reached my ears. It was Kirishima's voice, calling out to Bakugou amidst the chaos. Curiosity piqued, I cautiously peered around the remnants of the shattered wall, only to witness Bakugou unleashing an enormous explosion, propelling himself through the air. With incredible momentum, he soared toward the trio, firmly grasping Kirishima's outstretched hand.

After confirming the mission a success, I seized the opportunity to observe closely, creating a mental picture in my mind. This enabled me to construct a gateway before the group, a portal that would transport them to a distant field, far removed from the chaos of the battleground. Accompanied by Todoroki and Momo, I too stepped into another gateway I'd placed before us, teleporting ourselves to the exact location to reunite with our friends.

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