Chapter 7 - Partnering with the Enemy

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Chapter 7:

I awoke a couple hours later feeling a little drowsie but definitely better than before. I checked the time and it was already 5PM.

'Shit.' I thought. I'm supposed to meet Bakugou for our project at half past. I dragged myself back out of bed and rushed to get ready. I teleported to U.A and head toward the library. I'm not really supposed to use my quirk outside of school yet, not without a provisional license but hopefully I can get away with it just this once. The last thing I wanted to do was piss the hot head off.

I entered the library and already spotted him seated by a window in the far right corner.

"You're late, Extra." He stated.

"Only by three minutes, c'mon dude."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes clearly, visibly annoyed, then continued to pull out a notebook from his bag and opened to a page overflowing with notes.

"I've already completed a lot of the research side of our project anyway." He huffed looking away from me.

"Oh wow. You must of been up all night doing this. That's incredible." I accidentally let my thoughts slip out.

"Well some of us take our studies seriously." He said slyly narrowing his eyes.

I couldn't help but roll mine in response, did he always have to be throwing digs at me?

"You look awful by the way." He said looking me up and down.

That kind of pissed me off, I couldn't be bothered dealing with his nasty attitude today but to be frank, I probably did look awful. I definitely felt it. I sighed.

"I had my first Internship lesson today." I rubbed my eyes.

I was so out of it I hadn't even noticed his hair was styled completely differently.

"Well it couldn't have been worse than mine." He shot a look at me, with his eyes like daggers, gritting his teeth. He didn't look pissed off no, he looked as though he was about to lose it.

I finally came to notice his hair and it looked ridiculous.

"What the hell happened to you." I couldn't help but suppress a laugh.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He yelled back aggressively, his hair spiking back up to normal.

A librarian shushed him from the front desk. I tried my hardest but I couldn't hold it in, I let out a giggle. An angry looking red cross appeared on his head. Something about it springing back into place when he got angry was just so funny to me.

"Your hair definitely looks a lot better now." I sat down next to him, then realised what I'd just said. Did I tell him his hair looks... Why did that slip out? Thankfully he didn't say anything in response.

I looked over his notes, it was impressive. He had written A LOT in depth about the history of All Might, how he became a hero and made a name for himself. There was a full on analysis of his progress in career and notable fights with specific villains. I was astonished. He had written so much.

"Bakugou this is.."

I couldn't find the words to say, I was taken back by the amount of effort he'd so clearly put in and for the first time since I'd known him, he didn't interrupt me but waited for me to finish my sentence.

"It's just... Wow. This is awesome, you know so much I..-"

"Whatever. Just shut up and do something useful." He scowled at me in his usual aggressive tone, although his face told a different story, he looked a little embarrassed.

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