Chapter 86: Thoughts and Feelings

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Chapter 86:


Bakugou awoke the next day to the sun's gentle rays filtering through the pastel curtains, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. He turned his head and found himself gazing at the beautiful girl lying beside him. Her elegant locks tumbled messily across her serene face, giving her the ethereal appearance of a sleeping angel. He couldn't help but marvel at the sight, his heart swelling with an unspoken tenderness.

As if sensing his gaze, her e/c eyes fluttered open, revealing a dreamy, sleepy expression that captivated him. She smiled softly, and it was like the sun had risen just for her. He stared into those mesmerizing eyes, feeling a pull he couldn't resist. He edged closer, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Y/N?" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper, gently moving the messy locks that fell across her face, brushing them behind her ear.

"Hm? Katsuki?" she replied, her voice still thick with sleep but laced with affection, "Morning..." she mumbled.

"Morning," He stared at her, his heart pounding harder, louder, faster, but in this moment he couldn't hold himself back, it just slipped out, "Y/N, I... I'm in love with you," he confessed, the words spilling from his lips like a sacred secret.

He leaned in, and their lips met in a tender kiss, so soft and delicate that it felt almost otherworldly. It was a perfect moment, filled with unspoken promises and a depth of feeling he had never known before. Her lips tasted sweet, their softness felt like a dream as they gently pressed against his own. His hands instinctively tangled in her hair, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss, pouring all his passion and love into it.

When he finally pulled away, he gazed into her eyes, gently caressing her cheek. Her eyes widened in surprise, shimmering with emotions he had longed to see.

"You... love me too right?" He asked, his eyes brimming with hope, he stared into her eyes, his heart longing for another kiss.

He knew that if her answer was no, he would completely fall apart, right then and there. He felt his emotions rising as she didn't provide an answer and continued to stare in shock, "Please..." He begged, "You... feel the same way, don't you?" He asked once more.

"I... Of course I do," she whispered, her words like a balm to his soul. In that moment, he felt as if he could melt from the sheer joy and relief of knowing she felt the same. He stared into her eyes, his heart overflowing with love, his eyes slightly tearing up, his body naturally moved in for another kiss, desperate to hold onto this perfect moment forever, but before their lips could meet once more...

He woke up.

For real this time.

Bakugou jolted awake, his heart racing as the remnants of the dream clung to his mind. The sunlight poured through the pastel curtains, casting a soft morning glow over the room. He felt an unexpected warmth in his arms and looked down to find Y/N still nestled against him, fast asleep. His breath caught in his throat as the vivid memory of the dream replayed in his mind, making his heart pound even harder.

His face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and confusion. How could he have dreamt something so intimate, so revealing? He swallowed hard, trying to shake off the lingering feelings. Slowly, he looked at Y/N, her peaceful expression contrasting sharply with his inner turmoil.

"Y/N," he whispered, gently shaking her shoulder. "Hey, wake up."

She shuffled slightly, murmuring softly before opening her eyes. Her head moved up, her sleepy gaze meeting his.

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