Chapter 30 - A Tragic Backstory

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❗️Trigger Warning❗️

This backstory includes, violence, pain, death and grief. As a girl who grew up without a dad this was hard to write and if you are struggling with the things I've mentioned above, I suggest maybe not to read it. I wanted to write a backstory that shared similarities to Todoroki which is why the pair have become such good friends. However, I'll make a small summary on the next page of what happened in less detail, if you do not wish to read<3

Chapter 30

I never really knew my dad, he left when I was still a baby, my mum raised me up all on her own, without any help. She figured it was for the best. Although, at the time she loved my father, she believed he was up to no good. My mother always put me first, throughout my childhood she constantly struggled financially. Though I never picked up on that. She'd rather put herself into immense debt than disappoint me for Christmas, she's always been an incredible parent to me. Despite growing up un-wealthy, in a small dingey flat she made certain there was food on the table and I always had nice clothes. I was well looked after.

Yet the older I got, the more I longed to know where I came from, who my father was, why he left. I found myself surrounded by other kids who knew their fathers. Who had dads that were loving and caring. I felt as though I missed out and felt resentment toward my mother as though she must of been the reason he left. But I didn't know the whole story. My teenage years came by and I began to lash out at her, I felt abandoned and neglected and he wasn't there to take the blame. Looking back, my mother never deserved that, she was only trying to protect me. Yet I spent countless nights up in my room, curled up in bed crying into a pillow wondering why did he have to leave? Was there something wrong with me? It got to a point were I wanted answers. No, I was convinced that I needed them.

So answers I seeked. Yet everywhere I looked just led me to dead ends until one day a letter appeared at our front door, it was supposedly from the very man I'd been searching for- my father.

I kept it a secret from my mother. I thought if I told her, she would destroy the letter and continue to keep these secrets from me. The letter didn't say much and only stated a location and time. Inside held the address of where he currently lived and how he needed to see me. I wish I didn't do what I did next. I should have immediately told my her, let her destroy the letter and continue to protect me. But I didn't.

I was young, naive and stupid. A few days went by and I followed the instructions written in the letter. At around 7pm that night I took a bus to the mysterious address, which led me to a seemingly dodgey neighbourhood. I couldn't teleport because I'd never been there before. It made me feel uncomfortable but I continued to push forward, my determination for answers overruled my fear. After a short while of navigating through run-down streets, I approached a large apartment block. Inside were various apartments and despite the neighbourhood come across as rough and sketchy, these apartments were quite the opposite- homey and familiar.

I began to feel much safer now, my mind was at ease and my heart race decreased, until I finally reached the apartment number I was searching for 202. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what ever awaited behind the door. What would it be like? Was it going to be awkward? Was he scary? Would he welcome me with open arms? Would he be happy to see me, his little girl all grown up? I could feel the tension rising within my body, I felt so sick and anxious I could barely bring myself to knock on the door.

But I'd travelled all this way, I was here now. There was no turning back. If I did, I might regret it for the rest of my life, at least that's what I thought.

I took a deep breath and brought my hand up to the door, knocking gently. I had spent years yearning for this moment, wondering about the man who had been absent from my life since the day I was born. The fantasies of a perfect reunion crumbled in an instant as the door swung open, revealing a man who was supposed to be a stranger, but was undeniably my father. He was a very ordinary looking man, with a gentle and angelic presence. He stood tall, and wore glasses, but had a vacant expression on his face.

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