Chapter 67: Best Friends

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Chapter 67:

I could tell my peers were still gossiping over the rumours they overheard but I'd already grown too tired to care. While being involved in such drama for the entire class to witness might have been embarrassing, I decided to overlook the hushed whispers that surrounded me. The situation was over, Aizawa would handle it and neither of us were in trouble, that was relief enough.

As for the events that recently transpired in the classroom, I pushed aside thoughts about our peers questioning if I was Bakugou's girlfriend, Todoroki's shocking comments, and whatever else everyone had been saying. Did Hagakure really think I was dating our class's signature Prince of Ice and Fire? The Mr. Popular, Mr. Shoto Charming Todoroki?

The idea of me and him together was utterly absurd. Is that the impression we gave? I couldn't fathom how, but I didn't want to think about that right now; it didn't sit well with me at all. Luckily, my friends didn't bring it up either.

We headed to the changing rooms to get dressed for Physical Training and yes I would be participating today.

On our walk to the training grounds, I noticed Mina, ever the gossipmonger, nudge Bakugou. "Come on, spill it Blasty! What did Aizawa say to you!?"

Me and Bakugou exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between us.

He scowled, crimson eyes narrowing at Mina's questioning. Bakugou grunted, "It's all sorted or whatever, nosy fucks." He crossed his arms defiantly, with a sudden quickening in pace towards the USJ building.

Mina, unfazed, shifted her attention to me for confirmation. He glared back at her as he continued to storm off, I affirmed, "Everything's fine now. Aizawa didn't make a big deal out of it."

The squad laughed, Kaminari chimed in, "Man, Bakugou's lucky Aizawa went easy on him," he said quietly, with a nervous smile.

Kirishima also spoke up, "He might sometimes act like some kind of delinquent, but at the end of the day, he stood up for what's right, didn't he? No one should harass girls like that." The red-head glanced down at me, with a sympathetic smile.

"Bakugou's... a good guy. He didn't deserve to get into trouble anyway" I added softly, unsure of what else there was to say on the topic. We entered the building together, prepared for whatever challenges today's training had in store.

Aizawa gathered everyone for lesson announcements, but my mind wandered. He mentioned picking our training partners today, I hesitated as uncertainty crept in—would anyone want to team up with me? The thought of being seen as weak crossed my mind, making me feel embarrassed. Unsure of who to approach, I remained stood there awkwardly, not wanting to burden anyone. Aizawa's advice for me to "take it easy" echoed in my mind.

Amidst the uncertainty, one person stood out – someone I felt that I could trust, who'd at least take the session seriously.

However, the question lingered; would he even want to work with me?

Considering everything that had unfolded, I hesitated. Maybe it would be awkward to ask him. I pondered for a while, glancing at my peers, unsure where to begin. Despite the uncertainty, I knew who I wanted to partner with. What's the worst he could say, right?

Feeling lost and unsure of other options, I found myself approaching the explosive blonde. Despite the surrounding activity, he seemed focused on his own thoughts, his expression still marred by earlier tensions.

"Hey, Bakugou," I called out, my voice just above a whisper, careful not to startle him.

He glanced at me, his crimson eyes locking onto mine. "Would you like to train together today?" I asked, a hint of hope in my voice.

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