Chapter 29 - Confrontation

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After last nights ordeal I noticed both Katsuki and Midoriya were being punished and under 'house arrest'. Over the next few days they were to take care of all the chores at U.A. Dorms, and missed out on regular classes. Apparently we were having an extra special class with the Top students in 3rd year, something I was eagerly looking forward to. However, my mum informed me that I had a dentist appointment that day. I was fuming but at least I wasn't the only one who missed that class.

I'd gotten back a little earlier than expected and decided to dump my things back at the dorm. It was there when I came across Bakugou, I hadn't seen him at all since last night, although he didn't know that. I found him cleaning some dishes in the kitchen and dealing with trash by himself silently.

"Bakugou?" I called out to him.

"HUH? What the hell you doing here?" He asked snarkily.

Clearly missing out on classes, cleaning dishes and dealing with trash all day hadnt put him in the best of moods. Still, it was much nicer than seeing the heartbroken expression he held last night. I tried to push it to the back of my mind but I couldn't. It was soul-crushing seeing him like that, knowing there was nothing I could do.

"Uhh.. I had a dentist appointment."

"Oh." He replied abruptly, pausing for a moment.

"Is everything okay Bakugou?" I asked gently.

He turned sharply, glaring at me.

"Everything's fine." He said in a low voice.

I reached out for his arm.

"Get the fuck off me." He responded aggressively, shoving my arm away.

I traced back a couple of steps.

"You're always trying to touch me, it's fucking annoying."

"I'm sorry I-"

"Shut the fuck up." He interrupted.

I froze in place, stunned by his outburst.


"I said I'm FINE." He huffed after raising his voice and proceeded with his cleaning tasks aggressively.

"I didn't mean to annoy you it's just-"

"It's just WHAT!?" He paused what he was doing, interrupting me violently, leaning in with a malicious gaze.

My heart sank, his unpredictablilty was really scary. Tears began to form in my eyes, but I didn't dare let them fall.

"You know what..." I felt my own voice rising in return.

"I'm really nice to you Katsuki. Despite how you used to treat me. You were AWFUL to me." I could feel my voice breaking.

Katsuki stood there in shock, his eyebrows furrowed, a look of concern plastered across his face.

"You made my fresh start at this new school a living hell and yet I still gave you a second chance thinking things could be better." I paused to collect myself, not wanting to get too emotional although I was noticeably shaken.

"I just don't get it. Sure- Midoriya I understand, your childhood friends, there's a history there, whatever it's none of my business." I stopped continuing my thought after remembering what happened between them yesterday.

I felt my emotions begin to take over, my tears begging to roll down cheek as my eyes met his gaze. I wanted to scream it, I wanted to shout, I wanted to be the one who got angry.

"Why? Why do you hate me?" I asked, my voice quiet, shaky and broken.

His eyes widened, his facial expressions softened, he looked over riddled with guilt. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

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