Chapter 73: A Meeting With The Past

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Outside Endeavor's agency, I stood with Todoroki and the rest of our friends, my gaze fixated on the towering, imposing structure before us. A nervous energy tingled in the air as we prepared to enter the renowned hero agency of the current hero who stood at the top of the charts - the current number one; Endeavour. Todoroki, with his usual stoicism, gestured for us to follow him inside.

We walked ahead into the building, and through to the reception area to pick up visitor passes. Stepping into the sleek, high-tech elevator, the doors closed with a soft hum. Awkward silence settled among us as the lift ascended, each floor marked by a subtle chime, which felt like a countdown for the journey ahead.

Todoroki, maintaining his calm demeanor, occasionally glanced at the digital display above the doors, indicating our ascent. Upon reaching our destination on the 5th floor, Todoroki led me to the girls' changing room. Inside, the room was equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, costumes neatly arranged in individual lockers. I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety as I changed into my hero attire, each piece of the costume symbolizing a step closer to embracing the role of the hero I once was.

Emerging from the changing room, I found myself standing in the corridor, awaiting the arrival of the boys. The air was charged with anticipation, and the subtle hum of conversations echoed through the hallway as the boys walked out of the changing rooms, fully suited up and prepared for their duties.

Todoroki reappeared, guiding the rest of us toward the top floor. The meeting room door slid open with a futuristic whoosh, revealing a polished space adorned with hero memorabilia. At the head of the room stood Endeavor, a formidable figure exuding authority. His stern gaze scanned the group, acknowledging our presence with a nod.

As I stepped into the room, Endeavor remained stood across from me, a towering figure emanating dominance. Beside him, an ethereal woman with angelic grace glided into view, her presence exuding warmth. Within moments, the woman enveloped me in a gentle embrace, her arms offering a sense of comfort.

"Little dove," she murmured, her voice a soft melody from another era. "It warms my heart to see that you're okay." Her words, like a soothing balm, wrapped around me, leaving me captivated by her ethereal beauty. There was a familiarity in her features, a connection that eluded my conscious understanding, but I could feel it, I knew this woman.

Amidst this enchanting encounter, another hero stepped forward, breaking the spell momentarily. "It's nice to meet again," he stated, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern, behind yellow stripped glasses. "We've all been pretty worried about you, Y/N." His direct gaze conveyed a depth of emotion, and I could sense a shared history that tugged at the edges of my memory.

The room seemed to hold its breath as the weight of unspoken concerns lingered in the air. I found myself caught between the formidable presence of Endeavor and the comforting embrace of this angelic woman, their contrasting energies creating a surreal backdrop to the reunion. Amongst the assembled heroes, my gaze shifted, taking in the diverse array of capes and costumes.

The woman pulled away from me as Endeavor approached with deliberate steps, his imposing figure casting a shadow that momentarily eclipsed the room. A scar marred the side of his face, a visible testament to the battles he's fought. Yet, as he stood before me, his eyes betrayed a vulnerability not often seen, lacking the usual ferocity that defined him.

The weight of his hand settled gently on my shoulder, a touch that carried both reassurance and remorse. "Y/N, I'm really glad you're okay," he began, his voice a blend of sincerity and regret. His eyes, for a fleeting moment, revealed the depth of emotion he held. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as if grappling with the words he wanted to say.

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