Chapter 75: Danger

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Chapter 75:

We walked along the streets of Tokyo, slowly but surely leading into the quieter, more sketchy areas of town. After walking together in a confusing silence my mind raced, what couldn't they tell me? What was better to not remember? Who was that guy? I hated being kept in the dark. It wasn't fair, none of this was fair, I couldn't grapple with the feelings much longer, it was all too much.

As Bakugou and I navigated through the labyrinthine of streets, the city's darker underbelly unfolded around us. The distant glow of neon signs cast an eerie illumination on the alleyways, and the air buzzed with an electric tension. The anticipation grew as we sought to reunite with the other heroes: Todoroki, Deku, Red Riot, and Phantom.

In the distance, Todoroki's distinctive dual-colored hair caught my eye, glistening faintly in the dim light. Hastening our pace, we reached the group, breathless from both the walk and the unspoken tension that hung in the air.

"What's going on?" I asked, my gaze shifting between each hero. Todoroki, Deku, Red Riot, and Phantom exchanged glances, a silent communication that raised my anxiety.

Bakugou, usually quick to share his thoughts, remained uncharacteristically silent. All of them fell into an uncomfortable quiet, leaving me on the outside of a secret that lingered in their expressions.

"Todoroki," I pressed, hoping he would provide some clarity.

He hesitated, exchanging a subtle look with the others, before finally speaking, "It's... complicated."

Deku, Red Riot, and Phantom maintained their silence, their expressions guarded. I felt a growing unease, the weight of their shared knowledge bearing down on me.

"Complicated how?" I insisted, my voice betraying a mix of frustration and concern.

Bakugou glanced at me, a flicker of hesitation in his eyes, but he remained tight-lipped. Todoroki sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "We can't tell you everything right now. It's for your safety."

Frustration boiled within me, their refusal to share only fueling my anxiety. "For my safety? What are you guys involved in that I'm not allowed to know?"

The heroes exchanged glances again, a unified front in their decision not to disclose the details. The tension thickened, and as we continued through the ominous streets, the weight of their unspoken secret hung heavily in the air, leaving me with more questions than answers.

"Why are we here?" I pressed, my gaze shifting between the boys. The old-looking hotel building loomed before us, its facade revealing little about the mysteries it concealed.

Todoroki met my questioning gaze, his expression serious. "This building appears to be a base we're looking into exploring."

I hesitated, a surge of anxiety coursing through me. "Who's base? Exploring for what?"

"Answers," Todoroki replied ominously, his words hanging in the air like an impending storm. The gravity of his response sent shivers down my spine, and the limited information provided did little to alleviate my growing unease.

Bakugou remained silent. While the others, shared a glance that hinted at a shared understanding, a shared purpose that to me - remained shrouded in mystery.

"But what kind of answers?" I pressed, desperation creeping into my voice.

Todoroki's eyes held a seriousness that seemed to pierce through the shadows. "We can't reveal more right now. It's a sensitive situation, and your safety is a priority."

My frustrations continued to rise, their reluctance to share information leaving me feeling isolated and vulnerable. "I need more than just cryptic explanations. What are we up against?"

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