Chapter 4 - Hero Project

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(Just to fill you all in, Y/N has joined U.A shortly AFTER the sports festival so between Season 2-3, a lot of people have written fanfics with the Sports Festival which is awesome! But I want mine to be in place with the later Seasons☺️ Especially with the All Might Arc & Bakugou's character development I think it'll work really well! So this takes place during the Hero Studies time period & the Stain Arc)

Chapter 4:

A couple weeks had gone by, I'd made some great friends, had a promising future ahead and was feeling pretty excited. Today was the day we got to choose where to complete our Internship. I got up, got dressed and practically threw myself out the door. I made my way to school with a spring in my step, I was eager to see which pro heroes I'd be completing my Internship at.

Ahead of me was Bakugou, his spikey blonde hair glimmered in the sun. He must of lived nearby, I always saw him on my way to school but wouldn't dare approach him. I'd already made some great friends yes, but apparently some enemies too... For some reason he still hated me with every essence of his being, so I made my best attempts to stay clear of him.

We were both getting closer to school, practically walking to class together. To avoid this, I started to walk at a slower pace, hanging back so he would continue ahead. Funnily enough he did the exact same thing.

"HUH!? What the hell you slowing down for Extra?" He looked at me with absolute disgust, a scowl visible on his face with his hands buried in his pockets.

Extra. I sighed. I noticed he gave nicknames to all the people he deemed lesser than him and clearly, I had become one of them.. and I was at the bottom of the list.

Extra was reserved for those who truly meant nothing to him, people rendered utterly useless. Extra was for people who didn't even deserve a proper nickname like Pinky, Shitty hair, Icyhot, Sparkplug, Deku. No, I was Extra and it stayed that way, that's how much he hated me.

I chose to ignore him, quickening my pace, walking past him and straight ahead to class.

"HEY!!" His voice boomed across the campus, "DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!!!!"

I ignored him.

Considering I was just an 'Extra' it was ironic that he was the one yelling at me to not ignore him. I could continue to hear him behind me murmuring possible threats and insults. I ignored it.

I had grown to hate Bakugou. I didn't want to. In fact, reluctantly, I thought he was really cool. He had an amazing quirk, something I could only ever dream of, and his hero suit... It was definitely the best in class. As much as I despised to admit it, I thought it looked awesome, like a proper real life professional hero's. I really wanted us to get along but we just didn't. My friends said that Bakugou was difficult with everyone, that's just the way he is and not to take it personally. But sometimes it felt personal... Well, actually most of the time. He still refused to call me by my name and often acted as though he couldn't remember it, resulting in just referring to me as Extra, Idiot, Dumbass, Nerd, the list went on. Yet still.. No personally insulting nickname which somehow actually made it hurt more.

I just didn't understand him at all, why did he have to be so angry all the time? What was going on there, and why the hell did he come to dislike ME so much? What the hell did I do? I was afraid of him at first, never wanting to tick him off, always trying to brush off his insults, ignore and avoid him. But lately he'd started to get on my nerves, I found myself almost talking back to him. I felt that he was a bully and I wouldn't stand for it. I hated the way he treated Midoriya. I hated the way he looked down on others and most of all, I hated the way he hated me.

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