Chapter 21 - The Fall of All Might

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Once we arrived, I noticed everyone had crash landed onto the ground, sprawled out across the field.

"Sorry about that guys, the speed and placement of my gates probably didn't help..." I felt awkward.

Kirishima was laughing, pretty pleased with himself.

"We did it! Holy shit."

"Yeah." I replied with a smile, grabbing his hands to help him up.

Bakugou sat up from the ground, his eyes shifted up to catch mine.

"Hey. You losers didn't do anything, I just didn't want to get into All Mights way and... You happened to be the most logical escape route." He huffed.

"Yeah, yeah." Kirishima said, glancing my way with a smile.

Bakugou then stood up, turning to face me.

"Well don't you need a bit more practice with your quirk." He scoffed.


"You could have broken my goddamn neck with that landing you fucking IDIOT!" Bakugou yelled aggressively.

Oh how I'd missed that. He looked a little rugged, beat up and dishevelled. Crimson eyes glared into mine, his ash-blonde hair shined in the moonlight, illuminating his face.

I smiled.

"Good to see some things don't change." I smiled, patting him on the head.

He rolled his eyes and looked the other way. Although I noticed that he didn't dismiss my hand patting him on the head, like I thought he would.

"Yeah, it does seem some things don't change, like the strength of your quirk apparently." He muttered under his breath then shot me a devious smile.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop smiling either, his digs at me were different now. They didn't hurt or upset me, they made me feel closer to him and he had been far away, for far too long.

"So... Where the hell even are we?"

"Yeah what is this place?" Momo said politely.

"Uh... It's Castle Park. It's a bit dark so I guess it's hard to tell. I figured it was far enough from... Well... Yeah..." I looked to the ground, breaking eye-contact with everyone around me.

"But it's only a short walk to get back into town." I said a little awkwardly, not wanting to address the horrifying situation we so narrowly escaped.

Upon our return to town, a tremendous commotion caught my attention in the town square. Hundreds of people had gathered at city the centre, and amongst the crowd, the news station had become aware of the very situation we had barely managed to get away from. They were now broadcasting the live confrontation between All Might and All for One on television. We stopped to join the captivated onlookers and witness the unfolding battle alongside them.

As the screen commanded everyone's attention, the fierce clash between All Might and All for One held the entire crowd in a mesmerized grip.

The battle was long and turbulent, everyone deeply focused by the intensity of it all. This villain 'One for All'... I got the sense that he wasn't a run of the mill criminal, this guy was dark and he dangerous.

'I won't repeat the mistake I made 5 years ago.' That's what All Might had said to him back then.

It was clear to me that the pair shared a history, they might of even had this exact battle once before, in a distant pass. But how would things turn out this time? In all honesty, it wasn't looking good.

All Might's secret had been revealed, it looked as though One for All had beaten him into a shell of the man he once was. He once stood tall, bulky and strong, he radiated a godly energy, wielding a mighty power no other hero could match up to, but now... He stood tall and thin, the epitome of weak. The air went stiff and silent, the entire crowd collapsed into a state of shock. But it didn't matter did it? After all, this was All Might, he was able to defeat any villain no matter what, he was the Symbol of Peace, to give up on All Might was like giving up on Peace itself.

I looked to everyone around me, every single individual present had their eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle, their hearts engrossed in the moment. But not me. Amidst the captivated gazes, I found myself focused on Bakugou Katsuki, and the expression etched upon his face. I couldn't bear to witness him observe the demise of the hero he cherished above all else. All Might had to win. I returned my gaze back upon the screen.

"YOU CAN DO IT ALL MIGHT!!!" I screamed, joining in with the crowd and my friends around me.

(OKAY YALL, we KNOW how the fight went down, this is a brief overview but I had to include it because it impacts the characters and their relationships! the next couple chapters will be FAR more interesting and less repetitive of the show😊)

The air crackled with tension as All Might and All For One faced off in a desolate battlefield. The sky overhead was dark, casting an ominous shadow over the formidable clash about to unfold. All Might's muscles bulged beneath his heroic costume, radiating power and determination. Across from him, All For One's sinister smile revealed his cruel intentions. All Might gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"All For One, your reign of terror ends here. I won't let you harm innocent lives any longer!"

All For One chuckled darkly.

"Oh, All Might, you never learn. Your idealistic notions of justice are futile against my overwhelming power. Prepare to witness true despair."

With a flick of his hand, All For One unleashed a devastating wave of destruction. Buildings crumbled, and the ground quaked beneath the force of his attack. All Might braced himself, shielding nearby civilians from harm, his muscles strained as he absorbed the impact. Gritting his teeth, All Might pushed back against the onslaught. His eyes burned with determination, fueled by his unwavering belief in the strength of justice. Channeling every ounce of his fading power, he launched himself toward All For One, delivering a series of powerful punches.

All For One sneered, dodging and countering with a barrage of attacks. Quirk after Quirk was unleashed, testing All Might's resolve. But the Symbol of Peace stood firm, refusing to yield. He fought with all his might, unleashing a devastating blow that sent All For One crashing into a crumbling skyscraper.

As the dust settled, All Might staggered, his body shaking from the strain. His once-powerful form trembled, visibly weakened. Despite his victory, the toll on his body was evident.All For One, bloodied and bruised, slowly rose to his feet.

"Impressive, All Might. You have bested me... for now. But remember, this victory comes at a cost."

All Might's expression turned somber as he looked down at his trembling hands, realizing the truth. His powers had been depleted, leaving him an ordinary man. But his determination remained unbroken.

With a weary smile, he replied.

"Even without my powers, I will continue to stand for justice. The symbol of peace will never fade, All For One. You cannot extinguish the spirit of heroism."

As the battle ended, the world watched in awe and admiration. All Might had prevailed, he held a victory stance with his arm in the air, his sacrifice would forever be etched in the annals of heroism. He did it. All for One was captured and taken away to be institutionalised. I turned to Bakugou, every essence of my being wanted to console him, but he was busy staring at Midoriya, who appeared to be crying. Right now wasn't the time, no matter what words I chose, there was nothing I could say that would help the situation. So, I did what I do best and disappeared into the crowd, teleporting home without a trace.

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