Chapter 85: I Like You.

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(recommend reading this chapter before bed🥺)

Chapter 85:

All of us were discharged from the hospital and on our way back to the dorms, except for Katsuki, who still had some blood tests to undergo. We were told he would be discharged later that evening.

Upon arriving at the dorms, I felt a mix of excitement about reuniting with everyone, especially now that my memories had returned. The first person I thought about was Mina, I recalled how I hadn't spoken to her that morning, still upset about the way she teased Bakugou the night before. However, those grievances now seemed trivial after facing such life-or-death situations.

Todoroki opened the door for us, holding it as we walked in. I immediately spotted Mina's pastel pink hair as she sat at the table, talking animatedly with Kaminari. Everyone looked up as we entered, and her gaze dropped awkwardly as soon as she saw me, but I didn't care.

"MINA!!" I shouted, running over, swinging my arms around her shoulders in a hug.

"Y/N?" She looked up at me, bewildered. As soon as our eyes locked, her expression transformed into a wide smile. "Y/N!?!"

My eyes welled with tears. "I—I remember—

Y/N! I'm so sorry for yesterday. I always go too far, it's all my fault and I—"

"That doesn't matter anymore," I interrupted, smiling as I hugged her again. "It's okay, everything's... okay now."

"I missed you," she said softly.

"I missed me too," I giggled.

The rest of the dorm, including Kaminari, Sero, and Jirou, came to welcome me back and this  time, I walked into a room full of people that I knew, and that feeling was something I'd missed for far too long. A sense of comfort washed over me,  the comparison overwhelmingly obvious from my first return from the hospital.

"Where's Bakugou?" The lightning user asked.

"He'll be back later." Todoroki replied, putting any concerns to bed.

"We should have a games night when he gets back," Mina exclaimed happily. "We can have popcorn and bring down all the blankets and... and—"

"Don't get too excited," Kirishima said with a smile.

Mina's smile faded a bit as she quietly asked, "Is... Bakugou still upset with me?" She sighed, the guilt glimmering in her eyes.

"He might be a little," I admitted. "But... I can maybe talk to him..."

"Did you guys, um, manage to sort things out then?" she asked softly, her expression shifting into a hopeful look.

I nodded. "A lot happened during our last mission. He felt really bad about the other night."

"Kirishima told me..."

"It got really scary at one point. I thought we were all going to die," I admitted, the emotions I'd been suppressing all day rising within.

"But... you're all safe now," she added reassuringly, her black eyes glowing with a soft expression.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Later that evening, we prepared for our gaming night, covering the table with snacks, bringing all the blankets from upstairs down to the couches, and even setting up some LED lights along the ceiling. I noticed Todoroki standing in the corner, having people sign his cast.

"Can I sign it?" I asked, glancing at his broken arm.

"Hm? Yeah, of course," he smiled, handing me a pen.

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